More Wars, And Welfare, Too!

Former CIA Director R. James Woolsey – a de facto member of George Bush's Axis of Deceit – has apparently tried to take what he thought was the high road when he suggested that the U.S. and the civilized world was in for a long world war to spread freedom and democracy as a way of fighting and ending tyranny in the Muslim world. What Woolsey is proposing is to spread the democratic socialist state philosophy to the Muslim world, by a long-term program of war, propaganda, and political and economic pressure.

In a commentary piece in the Wednesday, April 16 edition of The Wall Street Journal, Woolsey proclaimed that the U.S. needs to extend the current war on terror into a lengthy Cold War-like campaign by also creating alliances and developing freedom-loving allies in the Muslim world – the Muslim equivalents of Lech Walesa, Vaclev Havel, and Andrei Sakharov. Woolsey stated that such opinion leaders, with the military and diplomatic might of the United States and its allies, can force out those totalitarian Muslim leaders and make Islamic countries into democratic nations, just like Turkey, Indonesia, and the Balkans (I am laughing so hard at this one that it hurts!).

Also claiming that there is no cultural incompatibility between Islam and democracy, Wild Jim (apparently not knowing the difference between religion and culture on the one hand and race on the other), branded those who believe in this incompatibility as racists.

Breathing fire by paragraph three of his piece, Wild Jim also blamed World War II and the current war on terror on the fact that the West, and the U.S. in particular, engaged in a period of self-indulgence and enjoyed stock market gains (in the 1920’s and the 1990’s) instead of arming up and bullying would-be dictators, that is, living up to our international responsibilities. (No wonder that Woolsey, while he was Bill Clinton's first CIA Director, was rumored never to have been able to get an audience with Der Schlickmeister. A neo-con war-monger to the core, Woolsey was probably foisted on Slick Willie in exchange for neo-con support during the 1992 election. To paraphrase the late Murray Rothbard, what did Slick Willie know about Woolsey and when did he learn of it? Inquiring minds want to know!)

Trying to Foist Western Secularism and Democratic Socialism onto Muslim Countries

Just as their socialist predecessors have foisted Western secularism and democratic socialism on the United States, Western Europe, Japan, and Latin America, the Axis of Deceit now wants to do the same to the Muslim world, ostensibly to give them democracy and change their evil ways. By showing them that the U.S. is a friend, like it did to those in Eastern Europe when it conducted the Cold War, Woolsey and his buddies in the mendacious mob think that the U.S. can convince all those Muslims currently living under totalitarian or authoritarian regimes to push for, and learn to love, democratization.

And just how is the Axis of Deceit going to convince freedom-loving Muslims that democracy is the right approach to government? After all, this is not Western or Eastern Europe, with a culture, religion, and political tradition much more amenable to implanting democratic socialism.

Well, let's take Iraq as an example. Since we have not yet found Iraq's Lech Walesa, the Pentagon has selected former U.S. Army General Jay Garner to rule – excuse me, administer temporarily – the country. While Garner is searching for the Iraqi "Lech," the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), according to the April 16 Daily Telegraph of London, awarded over $200 million in contracts for various projects in Iraq. In addition to searching for legitimate local leaders who can liaise with Jay Garner's crew, contractors are to engage in "… rebuilding the country's propaganda-infested school system."

According to the Telegraph, the winner of this latter contract, Creative Associates International, Inc. (CAII), is a woman-owned minority firm that is supposed to find classrooms and school supplies for four million Iraqi children by next October 1, the start of the new Iraqi school year. CAII is also supposed to help "… retrain teachers forced for years to indoctrinate pupils with the glory of Saddam Huessein, and the evils of such enemies as America and the Jewish race. American officials are reportedly keen to have secular state schools up and running in Iraq as soon as possible, to counter concerns that Islamic schools, possibly sponsored by Iran or Saudi Arabia, could emerge to fill the vacuum."

Well, there you have it. The Axis of Deceit has decided that it must re-educate Iraqi children so that they acquire Western secular values, including the democratic socialism foisted on American kids, and dump Islam. You can bet that this feminized education plan is also designed to bring an even greater amount of women's liberation philosophy to Iraq, just as U.S. public schools do.

But will this take root, or will Iraqi's put their children into Islamic schools that will likely be funded by Saudi Arabia or Iran? It is likely to anger many devout Muslims, who will refuse to allow their children to be indoctrinated with Western secular ideas – including modern feminism – and it may boost recruiting by the indigenous terrorist groups. Look for domestic blowback from this in the U.S., possibly including terrorist attacks but also more attempts by radical Islamic groups to push their culture and modes of behavior in the U.S. in order to neuter the neo-con offensive.

Dump These Bozos Now!

This whole crazy plan is going to blow up in the face of the U.S. government. And the American public is not only going to have to pay for it, it will also have to live with the likely bad results for many generations.

While I question the utility of voting, nonetheless I would suggest that the public vote these authoritarian neo-con creeps like Wild Jim Woolsey, his friends in the Axis of Deceit, and any politicians who kowtow to them, out of office. And the public needs to write their Congressmen, urging them to cut defense spending.

If U.S. taxpayers get their representatives to cut sharply the Pentagon's funds for hardware, operations, and manpower, then nut cases like Woolsey, Perle, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Feith, Abrams, Gingrich, et. al. (sounds like one of those ambulance-chasing law firms that advertise their services on television!!) will not be able to conduct their crazy wars and create more U.S. enemies!

April 18, 2003

Jim Grichar (aka Exx-Gman) [send him mail], formerly an economist with the federal government, writes to “un-spin” the federal government’s attempt to con the public.

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