Letting the Government Protect Our Environment

The EPA and Army Corps of Engineers have made new regulations about wetland use. Of course, these regulations affect how property owners can use their own land.

Everyone knows the government is incompetent. This type of state regulation is heralded by liberals because they believe the government to be benevolent and individuals to be evil (aka, greedy). But, it is still accepted fact that the government is incompetent. So, even if they are benevolent, they are still poor protectors of the environment. Individuals may or may not be incompetent, but if they do a bad job at protecting the environment, and if environmental protection is important, then the net effect will be better than if you let the government provide the protection.

ScienceNOW quotes a lobbyist from the National Wildlife Federation, whose revenues in 2006 were over $100 million. The obvious solution to this problem of wetland destruction is for the NWF to use their funds to buy wetlands instead of lobbying. One of their stated concerns is that public lands remain available to the public: Great! They can buy land and make it freely available to the public.


9:57 am on April 3, 2008