I Can’t Believe I Watched the Whole Debate

One of its most disturbing features was Romney’s belligerence towards China. Of course, the US–which believes believes God has appointed it to rule the globe–hates any large country that is economically improving itself. How wonderfully ironic to see an ex-communist regime adopting capitalism as the ex-capitalist US adopts fascism.

We had all the lies from Mercantilist Mitt about China being “unfair” in trade, and in not allowing US exporters and investment bankers to reap the benefits of the Fed’s dollar depreciation–one of the reasons for the weak dollar. The hypocritical US is the biggest currency manipulator in history, and a hyper protectionist power, of course.

Romney, who would preside over the most neocon administration ever,  wants more murderous wars in the Middle East–to the benefit of the banksters, the undertakers, and various foreign pols–and the cold war against China that Bill Kristol et al. have long called for as necessary to “national greatness.”

By the way, for the real dope on Romney as representative of everything wrong with US corporatism, don’t miss David Stockman’s brilliant demolition.

UPDATE See also Justin Raimondo on the Benghazi question


8:16 am on October 17, 2012