Democrats for Ron Paul

Take a look at this poll at the Daily Kos! (Thanks to Adam Dada.)


8:37 am on September 28, 2007

Democrats for Ron Paul

Writes C.J. Watson:

One of the liberal blogs had this to say about Ron Paul in the debate last night:

“…Paul, of course, stepped out of the 18th Century to defend the Constitution from these nuts. The Fox News scumbags sigh and giggle, but you can tell they’re pissed that they foolishly allowed a debate to take place in New Hampshire, where a free man will always command an audience’s respect.”

I really like that “free man” part.

And also interesting, a poll set up at ultra-liberal DKos website as to who won the debate, found that Ron Paul was way in the lead with 1537 reader votes out of 3075, with Huckabee coming second with 655, the rest spread between the other debaters. And that’s after the ringleaders at the Kos blog continuously bad-mouthed Paul and praised Huckabee in comment after comment. They are terrified of a Ron Paul candidacy since so many Democrats prefer Ron to the wishy-washy Hillary/Obama/Edwards.”


12:02 pm on September 6, 2007

‘Democrats for Ron Paul’