Barry Goldwater and Ron Paul

Write Barry Goldwater, Jr., and John Dean about the new book, Pure Goldwater: “A basic reason why Barry Goldwater still matters, aside from his being a historical figure and fascinating personality, is found in the way he viewed others and his work. He rejected contemporary divide tactics and approaches to campaigning for elective office and governing, all of which emerged while he was on the national stage. Goldwater would have found more in common with the brutal honesty of a Ron Paul than the flip-floppers, spinners and poll-tested position takers. His beliefs are all built on the importance of individual freedom and, even more importantly for an elected official, on an overriding need for honesty in public service. Without complete candor, he did not believe that one could effectively promote and protect American freedom.” Read the article. And buy the book. (Thanks to Norm.)


5:17 pm on April 16, 2008

Barry Goldwater and Ron Paul

Norm, you are right about Barry Goldwater. Here he is on the UN: “The time has come to recognize the United Nations for the anti-American, anti-freedom organization that it has become. The time has come for us to cut off financial help, withdraw as a member, and ask the United Nations to find a headquarters location outside the United States that is more in keeping with the philosophy of the majority of voting members, someplace like Moscow or Peking.”

Now here is one of Ron Paul’s many statements on the UN: “Do not be fooled: it is impossible to be against the United Nations and to support ‘reform’ of the United Nations. The only true reform of the United Nations is for the U.S. to withdraw immediately.”

Rep. Paul also recently stated that American neo-conservatives “plan to use the UN to implement their own brand of world government.”

Norm, I envy you. I can’t imagine what it must be like to work for a man of principle like Ron Paul. In a link today on LRC, someone said about politicians: “On a good day, they are hypocrites; on a bad day, they are liars. But only rarely do we accuse them of pride, which is, it seems to me, their real problem.”


6:05 pm on August 3, 2005