Are you interested in becoming the editor in chief of a prestigious scholarly journal?

Are you interested in becoming the editor in chief of a prestigious journal? The founder of the American Review of Political Economy is now looking for a successor. This is not an Austrian economics journal, nor it is one solely dedicated to libertarianism, my own two major interests. Instead, while it is very much open to these perspectives and will continue to be, its pages are available, also, to other heterodox viewpoints as well as to orthodox ones. The new editor would have to undertake to be true to this long-established mission of the American Review of Political Economy.  However, I think this is altogether a good thing. It is important for us Austro libertarians not only to focus on our own interests (happily, there are now many journals that do precisely that), but also to be open to the views of others, and have a vehicle that will introduce our own viewpoints to them.


I myself have since 2008 been involved with publishing in this journal, under the splendid editorship of


Zagros Madjd-Sadjadi, Ph.D.

Professor of Economics &

Chair, Department of Economics and Finance

RJR 120-A

Winston-Salem State University

(336) 750-2398

[email protected]

[email protected]


Here are my own publications in this journal:


Block, Walter and Patrick Tinsley. 2008. “Should the Law Prohibit Paying Ransom to Kidnappers?” American Review of Political Economy; Vol. 6, no. 2, December, pp. 40-45;


Block, Walter and William Barnett. 2009. “Monopsony Theory.” American Review of Political Economy June/December, Vol. 7(1/2), pp. 67-109;;


Anand, Shashank, Tiffany Fleming, Barbie Frie Hotard and Walter E. Block. 2010. “Competing Catholic Views on Private Property and Free Enterprise.” American Review of Political Economy, June, Volume 8(1), pp. 80-109.


Block, Walter E. and William Barnett II. Forthcoming, 2013. “Milton Friedman and the financial crisis,” American Review of Political Economy, December


Block, Walter E. 2013, forthcoming. Book review essay of McCloskey, Deirdre N. 2006. The Bourgeois Virtues: Ethics for an Age of Commerce. Chicago, IL: The University of Chicago Press, American Review of Political Economy


Here is a message from Prof. Zagros Madjd-Sadjadi:


It has been 12 years since I founded the American Review of Political Economy. I have nurtured this from a one-man labor of love into a respected journal that serves as one of the top worldwide outlets for heterodox economists. I have paid all expenses, never taking a dime from contributors or readers. The journal has always been published as a PDF, taking on the look and feel of a full-fledged print journal. It is abstracted in Econlit, is part of the ProQuest series of electronic journal resources found at many libraries, and is listed in Cabel’s. I simply no longer have the time or energy to continue to serve as editor and publisher of the journal. I have also gone from being an adjunct professor and government economist to a full professor and chair of a department of economics and finance at a university in North Carolina. It is time for me to move on and hand this off to someone else and this is a call for someone to come to take over this responsibility.  Whoever takes it over must agree to place me on the masthead as the founding editor or editor emeritus, so that I can continue to be affiliated with the journal even as I no longer will have day-to-day responsibilities. We must continue to fulfill our mission to publish articles in political economy, broadly defined, from all schools of thought, both heterodox and orthodox. The American Review of Political Economy is a place where economists of all stripes may conduct dialogue. It has a unique mission in academia and the world and the light of its search for truth shall never be extinguished, even if it must be diminished somewhat due to the constraints of time.


If you are interested in being considered this very important position, please contact Prof. Madjd-Sadjadi and do copy me at [email protected]. It is my understanding that while at present this is an unpaid position, there might be a publisher interested in taking it on, in which case there would be an honorarium attached to this editorship.


10:16 pm on July 14, 2013