Those Claremontista Lincolnfellas

Karen’s snide comments below about my being a potential Claremontista Lincoln Fella piqued my curiosity, so I looked at just who these fellas are. Of the 29 “fellows” listed since 1998, eighteen (62 percent) were congressional or executive branch staffers; there were NO academics; and only one person who held a terminal degree (in speech and communications). Not a single historian, or ANYONE who can claim a career as a scholar or who is employed by any college or university. The only publications listed by these fellas are right-wing magazine articles. The neocon magazines — National Review, Weekly Standard, and The American Enterprise — are all represented.

Interesting how not a single person capable of landing an academic job has ever been a “Lincoln Fellow” at Claremontista/Neocon Central, West Coast Division.


11:45 pm on January 19, 2005