Re: Restless Legions

I’m sure the legions can’t stand to have this swaggering idiot as Commander in Chief. The idiocy of this administration is priming Americans for the strong man to come in and take charge of the situation. In other words, the institution of an outright, brutal empire. As I’ve argued before, even though Bush is a terrible threat to liberty, he’s nothing compared to what’s next.

Senator McCain, the man who will be Julius Ceaser, gives us a flavor of what is to come in his criticism of Bush’s Iraq policy:

“Sen. John McCain, interviewed on CBS’s ‘The Early Show,’ maintained that ‘one of the very big mistakes early on was that he didn’t have enough troops on the ground, particularly after the initial victory, and that’s still the case.'”

“McCain, R-Ariz., defended Bush’s call to stop terrorism abroad before it reaches the U.S. shore. Appearing on CNN’s ‘Larry King Live’ program, McCain said that those spreading violence in Iraq ‘are the same guys who would be in New York if we don’t win in Iraq.'”

So with Bush, the fun is just starting. Conscription combined with further death and destruction is most likely in store for us. All this will come with thunderous applause by all. McCain at Fort Bragg will get standing ovations.


11:37 am on June 29, 2005