mRNA “Vaccines” Causing Cells to Produce Spike Proteins is a Fairy Tale

I tell everyone there is no Spike Protein “Shedding.” They’ve nothing to fear about “catching” something from a Vaxxed Person…except their Fear and paranoia.

We can all stop being afraid and get on with the business of living and building our best health.

Dr. Stefano Scoglio is a top expert in microbiology and Italy’s most prestigious and best-known critic of the Corona policy. In 2018, he was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Medicine. I strongly urge you to watch the video interview below or read it’s transcript.

Below the video I’ve excerpted several of the key points made by Dr. Scoglio where he carefully and clearly explains how those promoting the idea that spike proteins exist and are contagious are using false methods.

* Nobody is reading the damned scientific literature – it is impossible for mRNA to enter the cell and cause it to produce spike proteins (and then he explains why in deep detail).

* How do they claim they find the spike protein in the body? Answer: Fraudulent test methods. They use an artificial spike protein made in a laboratory (called a recombinant spike protein) and second, they use an Antibody test which is NON-Specific. He then explains the tricks that have been played and why they are invalid and then he explains the proper method that would need to be done – but has never been done.

[MM NOTE: This very important point is covered in deep detail by Mike Stone of in this excellent article on Antibody Specificity which you can find HERE.]

* “Vaccines are Toxic Bombs”…when Pfizer and Moderna released the “vaccines” they knew very well that no spike protein would be produced and their vaccines would only intoxicate people…there is no production of spike proteins, that is a fairy tale…Spike proteins do not exist in Nature, they only exist in a laboratory and are man made.

“It’s a spike protein produced in the laboratory which doesn’t exist in nature because the spike protein is supposed to be a part of the virus that has never been isolated and therefore doesn’t exist. So in nature, there’s no toxic spike protein, it has never been found, never been isolated, never been found in the blood. 

As I said before, I repeat: All they do is that they take a synthetic lab made, lab created protein that is toxic and they put it in touch with the antibodies and say that the antibodies are specific, which is just fraud, as I said before. And then they claim that therefore there must be spike protein in the body. But if the virus has not been proven to exist, there is no spike protein of the virus, either. And that’s actually the case because the only spike protein existing is the one made in the lab.”

* Question: Are vaccinated people contagious to the UnVaxxed?

Dr. Scoglio: No, they’re not contagious because for one thing, since there’s no production of spike protein – how can they be contagious to anybody else?

There are many additional points discussed. I again urge you to read the transcript available HERE and to share with others.

This interview was conducted by Torsten Engelbrecht, an investigative journalist from Hamburg, Germany. These two gentlemen, along with Dr. Claus Köhnlein and Dr. Sam Bailey co-authored the extremely important book: Virus Mania: Corona/COVID-19, Measles, Swine Flu, Cervical Cancer, Avian Flu, SARS, BSE, Hepatitis C, AIDS, Polio, Spanish Flu. How the Medical Industry Continually Invents Epidemics Making Billion-Dollar Profits At Our Expense, which I highly recommend.

In addition to this interview I strongly urge you to look at my recent post which debunks the Fear Porn of “Shedding” with Dr. Sam Bailey: Covid PORN starring Dr Peter McCullough (Unfortunately)




7:47 pm on August 12, 2023