How Listening to Birds Singing Can Improve Your Health & Slow Brain Aging

Everyone knows that music can set the mood.

And it’s no surprise to most of you that music can also positively affect our health. Much research has been done on music therapy to reduce anxiety.

But I had no idea that listening to birds singing could have such an impact on my health – and not just mental health, but positively impacting our entire physiology!

I have a YouTube link on my computers I regularly listen to which is about 8 hours of birds singing.

There are lots of these kinds of links and I picked one with a hilarious title that my friends and wife think quite suitable for me. 😉

It’s called Relaxing Your Dog and you can find it HERE. I recommend it. Works for me LOL.

There are many benefits of listening to birds singing; go HERE for a good summary.

If you’d care to take a deeper dive about how birdsong impacts our overall health and particularly brain health – and slows brain aging, I recommend this article HERE: Music and the Vagus Nerve: How Music Affects the Nervous System and Mental Health.


12:29 pm on March 15, 2024