Bush Crony Who Wrote “Dow 36,000” Says “Vote for Hillary to Save the Republican Party”

Supply-side sorcerer and D.C. cesspool snorkeler James K. Glassman predicts:

If [Trump] wins, a party built on freedom and internationalism will become entrenched as a party of authoritarianism and isolation, which means that within a few years it will atrophy and die.

Atrophy and die? Like Glassman’s career as a Wall-Street guru?  And that would be bad…exactly how?

Now, now, let’s not get petty dredging up bygones that spotlight James’ mammoth credibility problem: now it’s time to get out the vote for the authoritarian Queen of Chaos to keep James and pals’ D.C. cesspool open. Trump won’t drain it, but he must be stopped. Poolside won’t be near the hangout it’s been and poor James and pals just can’t bear the thought.

Supply siders always were the efficiency experts for the state. Jack Kemp: “Let’s set tax rates to maximize revenue going to the government.” Sure, Jack, because the government is such an exemplar of fiscal wisdom and restraint! Is it any surprise that statist nonsense and not Austrian economics became the house economics of the conservative movement?


Oh, and don’t forget to grab a copy of Dow 36,000 at Amazon.  Right now you can get James’ precious “insight” in hardcover or paperback for $0.01, which is just about what all his “insight” has ever been worth.


11:10 pm on September 6, 2016