Bush Comes Out From Under His Rock

In a speech to Jewish donors, the former president “went into a detailed criticism of Obama’s policies in fighting the Islamic State and dealing with the chaos in Iraq.”


And who **caused** the chaos?

Cast your memory back to March 2003, when Pope Saint John Paul II sent his trusted personal emissary to warn Bush that his invasion would cause — you guessed it — “chaos” in the Middle East.

As usual, Bush brushed off the Pope’s warning, refusing even to open the private letter from the pope, and filibustering Cardinal Pio Laghi with the blustery palaver he had learned from Dick Cheney channeled through Tony Blair (you know him, the pro-war multimillionaire now working for several Arab interests in the Middle East).

“History will vindicate us,” blurted Bush-Blair as the war was bogging down.

And how did that work out?

Today the Christian patriarchs in the Middle East put the blame for the murderous ISIS squarely in the lap of George W. Bush. For the first time since Mohammed, thousands of Christians have been completely eradicated from their ancestral homes in the Middle East.

This “wonderful Christian” president seems oblivious to the horrendous suffering caused by his hubris and guilt (yes, he had to “do something” because 9-11 happened on his watch – and the neocons quickly took full advantage of that profound natural sentiment).

The guilt has hounded Bush during his years in hiding as well, after his disastrous wars delivered the Congress (2006) and the White House (2008) on a silver platter to Obama and Co.

And now he has the temerity to attack his feckless successor for the chaos in the Middle East.

Psychologists call that “projection.”

Wrapping up the story, Bloomberg drily observes that Bush “revealed that he takes little responsibility for the policies that he put in place that contributed to the current state of affairs.”

That’s a sure bet. Maybe that’s why the donors met in Las Vegas.



8:54 am on April 27, 2015