USAID: Exporting Death Porn to Russia

Seana Cranston, former Ron Paul Staffer currently at the Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute, has published an important article exposing the US taxpayer-funded export of pornographic sex guides to Russian children via a USAID-sponsored Planned Parenthood program. Titled “Healthy, Happy and Hot,” this graphic sex guide translated into Russian and aimed at children urges Russia’s youngsters to, as Seana describes it, experiment with “casual sex with multiple partners, as well as oral, anal, and homosexual sex.” And if a pregnancy should happen to result from that hodgepodge of activity, it urges the children to “find out whether there are any (family planning) centers near to you where you can go without needing the permission of your parents or guardians.”

Regardless of one’s position on abortion, were the average adult to engage children on the glories of “aggressive sex,” as the brochure touts, he or she would be rightly brought up on charges of pedophilia or corrupting minors. But when the US government steals our money to lecture the Russian youth on such activities, it is called “foreign aid.” And it is no small sum. As Seana points out, “Nearly $77 million in US taxpayer dollars went to programs in Russia in 2008, according to USAID’s website.  Part of this $77 million enabled family planning and reproductive health messages to reach more than 25,000 Russians.” And people wonder why the US is not loved overseas…

Update: Here is a link to the pamphlet that was translated to Russian and sent to Russian kids. WARNING: it is extremely graphic.


6:39 pm on November 12, 2010

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