Justin Raimondo Is Right, As Usual

This column about Pope Benedict, a certain other Catholic theologian, and the war, is excellent, and once again reveals the uselessness of the left-right distinction when it comes to war.

Incidentally, I find it interesting that the so-called respectables in the libertarian world have so much contempt for Antiwar.com, one of my favorite websites (and one for which I make a recurring donation). The tone just isn’t detached and clinical enough for these sophisticates, who want the war issue portrayed as a gentlemanly difference of opinion among reasonable people. That Justin and others at Antiwar.com actually speak contemptuously of those who rule us, even going so far as to suggest that their motives might actually be wicked, is too much for this type.

Instead, we’re supposed to discuss the war as a mere “policy” dispute featuring honorable people on all sides, and then go out for drinks with the perpetrators at some D.C. watering hole. Antiwar.com, on the other hand, wants to call a spade a spade — and good for them.


2:22 pm on April 11, 2007