Bogus Bird Flu

I just had a reach out from a guy planning to put pastured poultry on his family farm that currently raises cows and pigs but “mom” is concerned the chickens will invite bird flu which will then infect the pigs and cows.  Here’s a young wanna-be farmer stymied by parental paranoia regarding bird flu.

Everyone needs to realize that the test being used to discover bird flu in milk tanks, dairy herds and elsewhere is the scientifically perfect credible authentic PCR test.  Yes, the infamous PCR test.  Remember false positives? The Sleepwalkers: A Hi... Koestler, Arthur Best Price: $4.98 Buy New $16.28 (as of 02:51 UTC - Details)

The PCR test is a mechanism to genetically amplify material to find floating pieces or particles of something.  The inventor, of course, says it is bogus for finding viruses.  It was developed for genetic discoveries, not for finding diseases.  Someone smart than I can tease out these differences, but suffice it to say it’s the wrong tool.  You wouldn’t pick up a box end wrench to turn a Phillips head screw.

Second, even if it were the right tool, it’s being applied incorrectly.  Each cycle is like a microscope amplification.  Remember turning microscope lenses from 35X to 100X?  Each cycle of a PCR test amplifies magnification to find additional material floating in the sample.  The official USDA and FDA number of cycles is 45.  Massachusetts officials I think are the first state folks to say categorically that anything more than 30 cycles is bogus.

How so?  Because if you keep ramping up the amplification, smaller and smaller particles will show up.  Any reasonable person knows our biological spaces are literally filled with floating molecular detritus.  Pieces of cells, pieces of DNA, pieces of Democrats and Republicans, with maybe a piece of Libertarian and Socialist thrown in–goodness, in the air around us, in our bodies, in our nasal passages, exist bits and pieces accumulated from everything, everyone, and everywhere.

Each of us has a Peanuts Pigpen-like cloud surrounding us, exhaling, inhaling, being swarmed by immune function, excreted in snot, tears, poop, and pee.  I’m reminded of the last major bird flu outbreak in our area of Virginia.  One of the federal vets dispatched to the area told me, in person, “we came here to find bird flu, and by gum we’re going to find it.”  That was 20 years ago.  Think things have changed today?

I have no clue who or what is behind the curtain on this.  It could be as nefarious as livestock extermination to keep burps and farts from turning us all into crispy critters; it could be as sincere and kind as wanting to protect us from sickness.  Whether righteous or unrighteous, the agenda has the same outcome:  paranoia from junk science.

If you did not take the covid-inducing jab, do you spend half your day worried you might catch covid?  Do you trust the Fauci-Collins covid narrative?  Dear folks, bird flu is being hatched the same way from the same people and the same fraternity that blessed us with covid.  Same boat crossing the same river. History of Political P... Best Price: $13.58 Buy New $27.25 (as of 02:51 UTC - Details)

What did we learn from covid?  Just carry on.  Don’t worry about it.  Get in the sun.  Stay active. Hug often.  Serve with enthusiasm and purpose.  Breathe.  Be grateful.  Eat whole foods.  Don’t drink Coke or eat McDonald’s. Stop watching mainstream media. Realize that the debris field is not just biological, it’s political, religious, spiritual, emotional.  Call it what it is:  life and stuff.  And then carry on.

Don’t let the paranoia du jour suffocate your agenda in despair and depression.  Laugh.  Do.  Carry on.  If you’re as excited about healing people and planet as I am, you won’t have time to collapse in a funk.  We have too much to do to let worry dominate sacred healing missions.  So let’s get to it.  Add chickens to yours cows and pigs; they’ll be fine if we let them express their chickenness, cowness, and pigness.

Are you worried about bird flu?

This originally appeared on The Lunatic Farmer.