Starting yesterday, scientists and military men from America’s black sites, both military and aerospace, are coming forward to claim knowledge and provide evidence of alien tech, alien bodies, anti-gravitics, zero-point energy — and medical tech that will change the face of medicine. Four of Trump’s initial executive orders to be tabled Monday, deal with disclosure of the above and more.
The revelations promise to upend every formalized religion, and supercharge the New Age. Dr. Steven Greer, who has dedicated his later career to this issue, investigating, briefing, pushing it forward, promises stunning revelations over the next weeks and months. Again, if true, why has this been hidden? How did the sequestration of vital civilization-changing information happen? What are the results of having done so?
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What I got back was a look. Individually it said nothing, but collectively it told me there was a secret out there and that it was so big no one person held all the pieces. I knew too, that whatever it was, the secret had a dark heart, because I could sense the fear that held it in place.
-The Hunt for Zero Point, Inside the Classified World of Antigravity Technology by Nick Cook
Out there in the hinterlands a vast segment, a plurality I believe, of the population is obsessed with the various tropes of the new religion with no name, an amalgam of faiths, astrology, delerium and hope. Which bears an unnerving resemblance to that practiced around the time of the birth of Christ, crossed with a lot of alien ‘knowledge’ and galactic spiritualism, with a smattering of super-soldiers, Ancient Builder Races, and the war in the cosmos. It is difficult to say from whence this knowledge arose but one almost has sympathy with the Emperor Constantine who in 325 AD ‘regularized’ Christianity by burning apostates up and down Italy’s boot, then wildly into the Spanish, French, German territories, hollering the equivalent of SHUT UP for 1500 years.
Pre and post-Christ, religions proliferated, from the Dionysians running naked and screaming up in the hills, the locked-down monkish cult that was the Essenes, the still active pilgrims to Ephesus’ priestesses and prophets, enhanced by psychedelic beer. There were splinter cults upon cults, which Christianity added to in spades. The early Christian churches were run by women in their homes, and often consisted of consuming psychedelics while the handful of participants tried to discern God’s will and attain the spiritual gifts promised by Christ. A lot of talking, moving into praise and ecstatic trance, I suspect. (I am not criticizing or doubting here —the evidence of home churches is drawn from the Vatican’s library and the psychedelic evidence from close botanical analysis of vessels found in home/church excavations.)
Too damn dangerous, thought Rome, and called the Council of Niceae, at which point women were heavily demoted in the faith, and all that ancient knowledge was deemed tosh. Not just nonsense but dangerous nonsense. They were still burning witches in Scotland in the 1700’s and there is nothing more ….um….motivating for everyone to go to church on Sunday for their lesson on working for the man than the smoldering ruins of the local herbalist in the town square.
The Vatican kept records of the burnt, carefully listing every name, believe it or not. The writer who found them supposed the librarian priests were too disheartened to bother concealing the records after wrestling with Church pedophiles.
Plus ca le meme chose. For at least the past 70 years, the National Security State has been issuing a firehose of mis, dis and malformation crafted to make all those contemporary investigators seem like the town idiot. However, there are just too many educated people these days and they seem to have a lot of time on their hands. Generally speaking, people are suspicious, very very suspicious. They know more by several orders of magnitude than that which the National Security State would prefer them to know.
As a result there is so much evidence released in so many different ways, through serious institutes and serious thinkers like those at the Sol Foundation, through the New Agers at the Gaia channel, through serious archeologists making dozens of documentaries about ancient sites not permitted study in academia. There are hundreds if not thousands of UFO and Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) conferences and meet ups a year. There are excavated bodies of Giants (Nephilim), tales of Tartaria, skeletons of supposed Andromedan/Pharaohs with the famed elongated skulls, tunnels and mounds and caves showing prior advanced civilizations, the evidence of which has been excised from academic literature, and not taught.
In the realms of the unbelievable, genetically enhanced super-soldiers report on secret wars in the Universe, structures on Mars, the Moon and the rings of Saturn, which these soldiers claim to have visited. On earth, in the stories of ancient sites, the megalith building was powered by handheld free energy handbag/machines which appear on friezes throughout the ancient world, on every continent. All this knowledge has been held to be rubbish by our gatekeepers.
u201cThe Law,u201d u20...
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Which brings us to official government disclosure. Which has been fought over bitterly, and advanced in tiny increments across the government. Apparently the Biden government had, within its Directorate of National Intelligence, a plan. This was how they were going to establish a reality, a quasi-reality, that they have hidden for the past 100 years, via throwing shade, mockery and the above firehose of claptrap propaganda, muddying the integrity of everyone who approached the subject.
But first, what is Zero Point Energy? From Nick Cook’s definitive book, here is a formal definition: It is the Holy Grail, the Temple Mount of energy production.
For some years, Millis replied, there had been a developing understanding that space was not the empty vacuum of traditional theory, but a seething mass of energy, with particles flashing in and out of existence about their “zero-point” baselines. Tests indicated that even in the depths of a vacuum chilled to absolute zero (minus 273.15°C)—the zero point of existence—this energy would not go away. The trouble was, no one knew quite where it was coming from. It was just there, a background radiation source that no one could adequately explain. With millions, perhaps billions, of fluctuations occurring in any given second, it was theoretically possible to draw some—perhaps a lot—of that energy from our everyday surroundings and get it to do useful work. If it could be “mined”—both on Earth and in space—it offered an infinite and potentially limitless energy source.
According to Jason Jordan, who considers himself a thought leader on zero point energy and who has connections within the deep state (who knows?) the office of Avril Haines, the about-to-be-ex Director of National Intelligence, had a schedule of disclosure on the table, about to go into action.