Netanyahu’s Seizure of Syrian Land

The recent seizure of Syrian land on the Golan Heights by Israel is an ominous example of expansionism at its worst, in complete violation of property rights, if not a total human rights violation as well. The claim of Benjamin Netanyahu that the Golan will “forever be an inseparable part” of Israel shows utter disregard for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Syria. Netanyahu flippantly defied earlier treaties with Damascus using the dissolution of Syria’s internationally-recognized government after Assad’s departure as an excuse, claiming such treaties are no longer binding.

Libertarians understand that political borders are a human construct and that the individual has a natural right to self and property. The notion of national borders is an institutional contrivance, and the proper role of the state is the protection of individual rights, rather than the extension of territorial claims via aggression.

The actions of Israel in Golan Heights represent a perfect example of statism and imperialism. While occupying and annexing Syrian land, Israel is violating the property rights of Syrian citizens and undermining the concept of territorial sovereignty. Such an act of aggression is not only morally reprehensible but also dangerous in setting a precedent for further encroachment on neighboring territories.

Of course, many libertarians believe that no government territorial expansion can ever be justified because of “security” or “strategic interests.” Such terms are merely a pretext for aggression and completely contradict the principles of non-aggression and property rights.

The international community has met the actions of Israel with cold silence. Most notably, the United States has been complicit in the aggression of Israel. The US State Department pronounced the seizure of Syrian land as “temporary” and “consistent with Israel’s sovereignty.” Without censure emanating from the international community, such aggression is bound to be encouraged and the rule of law undermined. Therefore, the seizure of the Golan Heights by Israel constitutes an aggression against Syrian territory, antithetical to liberty and property; a position libertarians must not fail to condemn.

Ultimately, we must stand for individual rights and property, regardless of what national border they stand on, and reject the view that a government has a valid interest in extending its territorial claim via aggression. While blindly supporting one side or the other; shutting down any criticism of our perceived “side,” we lose sight of the core tenets of libertarianism, most notably, individual rights and the right to property.

Note: The views expressed on are not necessarily those of the Mises Institute.