On Being a "Threat to Democracy"

Merriam-Webster defines “democracy” as: “a: Government by the people especially rule of the majority, b: a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections.”

Well, that sounds good. Do we have a rule of the majority? The majority of Americans, after all, about eighty percent of them, are losing in this rigged economy, and living paycheck to paycheck at best. I don’t think they’re “ruling” anything. We all (well, some of us) know that the 10th Amendment to the Constitution clearly states, “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.” Again, sounds good. But when’s the last time you heard about one of our tyrannical judges ruling in favor of someone invoking the 10th Amendment? Since the Constitution delineates very limited powers to the central government, this should mean that the vast majority of power in this country resides in the States, or the people. American Memory Hole: ... Jeffries, Donald Buy New $21.99 (as of 03:56 UTC - Details)

The 10th Amendment isn’t any more popular than the 1st, the 2nd, or the 4th. Otherwise, you wouldn’t have any “hate speech,” or “gun control” laws, or no-knock SWAT team raids on private residences. It’s pretty obvious that the people don’t have any power. There are, of course, distinct differences between democracy and the constitutional republic our Founders established. But today, in the year of our Lord 2024, we don’t appear to have either in America 2.0. Plenty of taxation, but no representation. Lincoln shattered the foundational principle of our War for Independence, the consent of the governed. Millions don’t consent to this tyranny and authoritarianism. It doesn’t matter. We can’t elect better leaders. 96 percent of these horrific incumbents are returned to office every election. It’s just as bad whether that’s because of fraud, or massive stupidity on the part of the voters.

Note in the illustration above that four of the ten hands are Black. Forty percent. Blacks are twelve percent of the U.S. population. Yes, I know that any television viewer would be shocked by that. I think that more than half the actors in commercials now are Black. I don’t need to mention how overrepresented Blacks are in sports and entertainment. So, how does all this excessive interest in our second largest minority group equate with majority rule? Which is what the dictionary says “democracy” is. What does “the people” mean? In our multicultural society, which people are we talking about? There are conflicting interests among these various groups of people. But the interests of White people- who are still clinging to a majority of the population- are ignored. Or belittled. By White elites.

Ballot referendums are a pure form of democracy. The voters decide on a policy, without any representative go-between. In 1994, a very demographically different California approved Proposition 187, which would have prohibited illegal immigrants from obtaining government services. Well, what could be more reasonable than that? The beloved Bill Clinton campaigned strongly against the measure, so you know it was a good one. Under the unconstitutional concept of Judicial Review, which I examine in detail in my book American Memory Hole, Judge Mariana Pfaelzer was able to quash the measure, and thus the will of the people, a month after the proposition was approved. To today’s Left, that was “democracy.” A judge overriding the majority of the people- you know, the ones who run things under a “democracy.” Millions of illegals later, we’re probably more “democratic” than ever.

In 2008, public opinion polls showed that 95 percent or more of Americans were opposed to the banker bailout. So, this being a democracy and all, every national political leader was opposed to the will of the people, and the disastrous bailout was implemented. In the 2020 election, millions of Americans were convinced that there had been massive electoral fraud, and that Joe Biden hadn’t been honestly elected. Was it a majority of the people? Hard to tell, but certainly enough that their voices should have been heard. That’s what would happen in any “democracy.” Instead, untold numbers of protesters were imprisoned, and some are still being denied due process over three years later. Those who appeared in court were subjected to Alice in Wonderland-style kangaroo trials, and given incredibly harsh prison sentences. We are told that these “insurrectionists” were a “threat to democracy.” Hidden History: An Exp... Donald Jeffries Best Price: $9.86 Buy New $14.70 (as of 04:30 UTC - Details)

We hear that a lot now; about the “threat to democracy.” Donald Trump is a threat. So are all of those who support him. And the “White Supremacists” who secretly rule the land, but are too shy to ever make their presence known, represent the “greatest threat to democracy” of all. According to the lovable hair sniffer Joe Biden, before he was deposed from office in a silent coup. Elon Musk is another “threat.” Just issuing statements in support of free speech was enough. He probably doesn’t really believe in it, but in today’s climate, just saying something against censorship is a “threat to democracy.” Apparently, censorship is one of the cornerstones of democracy. Somebody tell Webster’s to update their definition. They did it for vaccines, after all, during the COVID psyop. Robert Reich and others now want Musk to be arrested. For making comments in support of free speech. That’s a “threat to democracy.”

Disputing the vote is a “threat to democracy.” If you don’t believe it, you may find yourself being prosecuted by the state. The same state that would be responsible for rigging elections, if one can imagine such a thing. Is that any different from the Crown prosecuting someone a few centuries ago, for offenses against the king? “Hate Speech,” the Orwellian term meant to cover Thought Crimes, is also something that violates the precepts of “democracy.” Disinformation, misinformation, conspiracy theories, all of it is a “threat to democracy.” Only FCC approved content is allowed in this democracy, peasant. The state will eagerly censor any unapproved books about Sandy Hook, Pizzagate, 9/11 and the like. But don’t you dare touch a pubic hair between the covers of the all-time classic Gender Queer. The Left considers removing this detailed account of man-boy love from school libraries to be “book burning.”

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