Concerning Kamala

Okay, kids, Kamala was a joke, a punch line, but suddenly she isn’t, and by a long shot to boot. We no longer have an old stuttering gaga making a fool of himself in the White House, but a new Jeanne d’Arc, defender of America, capitalism, socialism, blacks, Jews, Eskimos, even Palestinians. It’s the latter’s mention by Kamala in her acceptance speech that caught my ear, as I didn’t watch any of the ludicrous, megalomaniacal, boastful, and basically dishonest goings-on in Chicago. I’ve until now thought Kamala a total phony, but the P-word she uttered got my attention. I only hope she meant it. Kamala is big on equity, claiming in a year-old speech that whites start out on first base, even on third base, whereas blacks have to begin at home. Her vague gestures to specific problems show her to be an empty vessel, but the P-word had me listening. Revisions and Dissents... Gottfried, Paul Best Price: $29.00 Buy New $29.00 (as of 03:55 UTC - Details)

Sticking up for the deracinated Palestinians is not a great vote-getter in America. But as I’ve written so many times before in these here pages, I’ve been to Jordan and the West Bank and have witnessed firsthand the deprivations and daily humiliations the average Palestinian endures by the all-conquering Israelis. Gaza is another hell altogether, indescribable in its horror while Israel is hard at work making it even more hellish. Israel began as a state in 1948 by hardworking pioneers who actually did make the desert bloom but have ended up as cruel and murdering occupiers and land grabbers. Yes, there are Palestinian terrorists galore, but I wonder what Americans would have become had they been occupied and their land taken away from them and made to endure daily humiliations by a foreign power? If they didn’t turn to resistant terror, I’m Kamala Harris.

“Woke demands are outrageously elitist, and Kamala and her supporters in government will hide them until the day after the election.”

Grow or Die: The Good ... The Good, David Best Price: $13.93 Buy New $13.99 (as of 10:21 UTC - Details) Be that as it may, if Kamala does win and does something to curb Israel’s cruel occupation by actually cutting off arms to Israel unless it reins in the Nazi-like settlers, she will go down in history as the first American president not to surrender to Israeli and Jewish blackmail. Well, here’s to wishful thinking and all that. But she did mention the Palestinians and the horrible massacre of Gaza, which is more than Trump did, something that poses yet another dilemma for the poor little Greek boy, me. Trump is not beholden to Jewish voters, although he has some Jewish backers with bulging wallets, so why can’t he say something positive about Palestinian rights? Jewish voters have not in the past and will not vote in the future for Trump, or any Republican for that matter, so why the radio silence over Israel’s occupation of Palestinian lands?

America’s leaders have an almost Faustian bargain with the Jewish state. They struck it back in 1948 when Israel was the savior of a long-suffering people who had been nearly wiped out by Hitler. America continues to play Faust, and the pact with Israel’s Mephistopheles is always on. Who would have thought these two nations would strike such a malevolent bargain, and who is responsible for it? That’s an easy one to answer: extremist religious fanaticism in Israel, and a very rich and powerful Zionist lobby in D.C.

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