The doctor patient relationship is a very special one. The doctor speaks truth to the patient, hard to hear truth. The patient takes the burden of weighing the possibilities and speaks clearly and soberly back to the doctor.
Since the Ides of March 2020, the doctor patient relationship has looked nothing like that.
The lie of the face mask is there as a distraction imposed upon the relationship that does not look like anything resembling the truth. As I have written previously by May 2020, we had at our disposal 14 randomized control trials that made it clear that a face mask was not going to protect you from Covid.
Instead of science, doctors bowed down to authority, only they still wore their white coats and still called it science.
As many people who interacted deeply with the medical system prior to the Ides of March 2020 can testify — this is how most doctors have always operated: Instead of science, bowing down to authority but still wearing their white “lab” coats and still calling it science.
Why does a doctor really wear a lab coat anyway? They aren’t in a lab. They could leave it hung at the door of their lab. Their street clothes are covered in the same germs as their lab coats, so the lab coat is not there to protect their clothes much, to protect you much, or to protect their home much. So those are not good reasons for any of that.
The standard hospital-grade, 75-cent, disposable, single-use aprons would fulfill that role just fine. Their filthy lab coat simply does not do that.
The doctor wears the lab coat because it gives him the air of authority over you, allowing you to be more docile and easier to deal with.
Again, that has little to do with this: The doctor speaks truth to the patient, hard to hear truth. The patient takes the burden of weighing the possibilities and to speak clearly and soberly back to the doctor.
In fact, the white coat, like the face mask, is the exact opposite of that. It is more like this: Instead of science, doctors bowed down to authority but still wore their white coats and still called it science.
And the lab coat helps them get you to bow down to their source of authority. It makes their claims about their source of authority more convincing to you, regardless of the actual veracity.
Do you get that?
The lab coat is a lie.
The face mask is a lie.
It is the same nonsense.
It is about control, not about this: The doctor speaks truth to the patient, hard to hear truth. The patient takes the burden of weighing the possibilities and speaks clearly and soberly back to the doctor.
A doctor who cares about you will want this: The doctor speaks truth to the patient, hard to hear truth. The patient takes the burden of weighing the possibilities and speaks clearly and soberly back to the doctor.
And are there other good reasons for a doctor to wear a face mask and for a doctor to wear a lab coat? Absolutely! But they are not the reasons that most doctors do this. And part of your work is to be able to see the difference and to either hold those bad inclinations of that doctor captive in your relationship or to get out of that relationship.
Most people do not know what to do. Most people run from that relationship, which is an option, a low-conflict option that puts you out and may cause you to go without healthcare for a time. Most people, in choosing to run, miss the opportunity to take control of a bad situation. The consequence of that is likely to be this — that same confrontation that you are running from will follow you for years until you stop, look it in the face and take calm but firm authority over it.
Can you imagine saying this to a doctor who demands you mask?
“We won’t be doing that. In fact, I need you to take off your mask, as well while talking to me, unless there is a procedure that requires it.”
If you can not imagine saying that to a doctor, there is likely far worse ahead for you. Likely far, far worse.
If you can not speak honestly to the doctor you have known 20 years and who has seen your nether-regions, who exactly did you think it was in your life that you were going to be able to summon the courage to speak truthfully to?
The free market answer is often “vote with your feet.” Yeah. That is certainly an option. But it is an option that provides very little feedback to your doctor and more importantly, does absolutely nothing for you in confronting the challenges in your life. That is also coincidentally the good sounding Green Party answer, hippie answer, conservative answer, Democrat answer, Republican answer, and really it is the convenient cowardly answer of people across the political spectrum.
Is it always cowardly? Of course not. It is a great principle. But in this era it is cowardly a solid 99 out of 100 times, likely more.
This is where you need to be: The doctor speaks truth to the patient, hard to hear truth. The patient takes the burden of weighing the possibilities and speaks clearly and soberly back to the doctor.
You can invest in the other person and in your relationship, or you can run from the other person and find that the same conflict will keep finding you in life until you learn to deal with it.
Which will it be?
Sometimes running away is easier. I get that. Sometimes running away makes more sense. I get that. But often, there are so many rewards to be paid by learning to speak into a situation. And it might not be a one time or immediate thing. You might need to get creative. I do not know exactly what that looks like, but if you think it through, or put your head together with a bunch of other lions, or pray over it, or however you arrive at your answers in life, you might come to a pretty good set of options.
You might buy your doctor a bottle of wine to butter him up. You might need to yell at him. You might speak to his wife, who you know from high school. You might need to invite him for lunch. You might send him a three-sentence handwritten letter insisting that he continue seeing you unmasked.
I do not have the solution for all the things that need to happen, but I have this much: your willingness to never wear a mask again is required, and I mean never. Your willingness to try something new to negotiate a normal life in the midst of that is required. Your courage to step out of your comfort zone is required, while keeping focused on your values. An ability, is required, to hear and to be heard by your doctor so that the conversation can go somewhere.
This is all needed of you.
The rest is of minor concern.
And I get that you might not be a professional at all of that. That is okay. That is simply how life works: we are never expert at all the skills we need when we live a life of growth, challenge, and adventure. And we grow in the things we want to be better at. Before long, you will feel a lot more like a pro. You probably have a few years or even a few decades of rust behind you in which you’ve taken your freedoms for granted.
Slowly, you and I can rebuild the communities in the world around us that will make room for those freedoms. But you know what — it will not be as slow as you imagine, it will not be as impossible as you imagine.
Twain wrote that a single brave man can shout down a lynch mob of 10,000. This era lacks leadership, especially wise leadership, and a little of that from you interjected in the world around you will bring about a blossoming of freedom unlike any you have could have previously imagined.
At least that is what I have experienced in my own life and what I have heard from thousands of brave warriors since the days that corona communism entered our lives.
Your role in that is needed.
You are needed.
It is time to step forward with wisdom and courage and to do so resiliently. Do that and many around you will follow as you lead the world around you back on the path toward greater freedom.
If you are still using Duck Duck Go to help divide truth from fiction, you will want to read my latest report which illustrates how Duck Duck Go is the most censored search engine – worse than Google, worse than Yahoo, worse than the Bill Gates owned Bing. You can get that report here, ( complete with the list of the 11 most censored search engines and the 2 least censored search engines, right on the first page of that report.