Who Remembers Freedom Fries?

Public Relations has created the current state of medicine

I do not want to make this substack focus on political issues as I believe they are almost always divisive, and distract everyone from coming together and focusing on the bigger picture.  We have so much more in common with each other than where we differ, and the sooner we can recognize that and become united, the sooner our species can evolve.

Nonetheless, medical propaganda and propaganda in general is so central to what we are experiencing now that it must be understood to move forward.  As a society, we need to stop falling for PR campaigns.  This is a bit long as I am effectively condensing numerous books together, but I am certain you will find this entertaining and it will change your view of the world for the better. That said, I’m quite new to all of this and I’m doing this project for you not me.   I would like your feedback on if you feel this is an appropriate area to examine and respectful of your time. 

A few months ago, a friend called me up and said: “I just realized, COVID is the Democrat’s War on Iraq.  Everyone is in on a bunch of lies so their backers can get away with as much war profiteering as possible.

A common question asked in history class is: “Why do we study history?”
The most common answer is: “So we can learn from our past mistakes and not repeat them.”
Given that this never happens, my answer instead has been: “So we have the context to understand what is happening before us.”

The one thing that never seems to change is the human condition, so as a result, when the same societal variables are put into place, the same things tend to happen.  Some repeat every few years, some take decades, some take centuries, but in many different ways history is always cyclical. In turn when I realized we were replaying the smallpox debacle from 135 years ago, I knew this message had to get out, and the chance we can finally end this cycle has been the central purpose of this substack and I am profoundly grateful to each person who has helped with that.

When we look at the systemic issues in medicine COVID has brought to the surface, there are numerous potential root causes such as the following:

-The education prior to medical school
-Medical education
-Medical practice guidelines
-The pervasive commercializing and corruption of scientific research and publication
-The pervasive regulatory capture of government
-The rigid expectation and legal penalties for physicians that do not confirm the expected standards of medicine
-The engineered susceptibility of medicine to be easily controlled through the targeted application of money
-The sociological context medicine exists within

As I have time, I hope to try and illustrate each of these problems and highlight potential solutions them.  In this article I hope to illustrate some of the sociological context.

Medicine supports many mythologies and beliefs our society revolves around, some of which I feel greatly benefit our society, and some of which I can only label as toxic.  Two of my favorite authors from the previous generation that best described much of this context were Ivan Illich in Medical Nemesis and Robert S. Mendelsohn in Confessions of a Medical Heretic.  Each of them predicted almost 100 years ago exactly what we are seeing now.  Mendelson amongst other things noted that doctors have assumed the role of priests in our society, and vaccines represent the holy water of the faith everyone must be baptized with, a very poignant metaphor.

In numerous (well referenced) books I have read, a central theme espoused by the planners and think tanks of society, is that the ideal governance of society is in a state of perpetual war, as the populace can then be unified and steered in whatever direction is needed.  In addition to overt wars (which are often too damaging to handle), abstract wars are often suggested as suitable wars.  Commonly cited options include:
A war on an abstract human enemy that can never be defeated (terrorists, drug traffickers)
A war on an environmental catastrophe that will always be in the future (before climate change we had global warming, and before global warming we had global cooling)
A war on some type of disease, typically an infectious one, although others like cancer have also been tried.

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