Twice as Many Killed with Knives than Rifles & Shotguns Combined, FBI Report Shows

Uniform Crime Report (UCR) data deals blow to Democrats' anti-gun agenda

More than twice as many people have been killed in America with knives than were killed with rifles and shotguns combined, a new report released by the FBI shows.

New data published by the Uniform Crime Report (UCR) shows the staggering number of people killed with knives across the United States – an issue seemingly underreported in the American corporate media.

In 2021, 203 people were killed with shotguns and another 454 were killed with rifles, for a total of 657 deaths, the UCR shows.

However, the same FBI report shows that 1,732 people were killed with “knives or cutting instruments.”

The number is way over twice as many deaths that were caused with shotguns and rifles combined.

In 2019 and 2018 over four times as many people were killed with “knives or cutting instruments” as were killed with shotguns and rifles combined.

As Breitbart News noted, the FBI UCR shows over three and a half times more people were killed with “knives or cutting instruments” than with rifles, when compared to rifle deaths alone.

In fact, the report also shows that more people were killed with fists and feet than were killed with rifles in 2020.

454 people were killed with rifles in 2020 while 657 were killed with “personnel weapons,” which are defined as “hands, fists, feet, etc,” the report shows.

The UCR figures show a similar situation was occurred in 2019, when 375 people were killed with rifles but 639 were killed with “hands, fists, feet, etc.”

In 2018 the number of people killed with “hands, fists, feet, etc.,” was more than twice the number killed with rifles of all kinds.

The FBI figures show nearly as many people were killed with “blunt objects” as were killed with rifles in 2020.

The UCR notes that 454 were killed with rifles and 392 were killed with “clubs, hammers, etc.”

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