“To choose one’s victims, to prepare one’s plan minutely, to slake an implacable vengeance, and then to go to bed… There is nothing sweeter in the world.”
Joseph Stalin (1940) “Stalin’s Kampf: Joseph Stalin’s credo”
The ‘State’ is and has always been an evil, heartless, cruel, and manipulative monster bent only on money, power, and control. Once this truth is learned and accepted, the state is unmasked, and the claim that it is the defender and savior of the people is exposed as a lie. Without the false cover of legitimacy, any government will be easily recognizable as nothing more than a sinister enemy of all those under its rule.
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(as of 03:06 UTC - Details)
According to research done by the late Professor R. J. Rummel, governments in just the twentieth century alone murdered 262 million innocent people. This number does not include deaths due to internal and foreign wars. There are two major points that should be questioned here. The first is why were wars left out of this calculation since governments cause and prosecute wars? Secondly, all wars of aggression are pure murder, not defensive as in any explicit defense of country, so the state itself is responsible for all those that die, including those volunteers or those conscripted and under orders of the state. With that said, the actual number of those killed due to state involvement is obviously much higher than calculated by Professor Rummel, in both the killing of citizens by their own governments, and due to killing through aggression. It is also important to recognize that since government is now involved at most every level of existence, and is the ruling entity, then no deaths from war or conflict should be left out of any reporting concerning death by government. In addition, Rummel’s research was restricted only to the twentieth century, and nothing before or after that time was calculated. The killing continues unabated, but much of the killing today is done by stealth. Blame for these atrocities, especially when politically convenient, is directed away from the aggressor state. All these deaths should be considered in order to find the truth of the carnage levied by governments.
What this boils down to is that the state is responsible for most all deaths other than those by natural causes. So why would anyone not be anti-state? Why would any not support the elimination of the state, when it is responsible for so much death and destruction? Do most populations actually believe that their country and its political class are good, but that all others are bad? Has the propaganda been so effective in convincing most of humanity that the state is not only necessary, but a benevolent protector and master? Is the truth never sought or seen, or even desired by the exploited masses? That seems to be the case, and this is not accidental or coincidental, it is a long-planned outcome, and one voluntarily accepted by the masses.
Due to the way this report was structured, the United States was pretty much left out of this conversation. I found this troubling. All concentration was centered on particularly oppressive governments or dictators mainly responsible for the deaths of their own citizens, but if considering all deaths caused by governments, the conversation should not end there.
Notes to the Future: W...
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(as of 04:03 UTC - Details)
The United States government is no less oppressive than many discussed by Rummel. The American government today is the most aggressive and powerful on earth, far more deadly than most in the past. U.S. wars of aggression, regime change policies, and proxy wars have been responsible for millions of deaths of innocents. The majority of the deaths by government during the twentieth century were blamed on the Soviet Union, Nazi Germany, and Communist China, as well as what are said to be lesser murderers like the Khmer Rouge and the Vietnamese War State, among many others. The main culprits blamed would be Stalin, Hitler, Mao, and Pol Pot, but the U.S. had much to do with all these tyrants, much to do with massive death, and much to do with the murder of innocents.
The U.S. government was involved with all those I mentioned above, and was even complicit in much of what was going on during those times when mass killing and genocide were more evident. The U.S. has been an aggressor nation, a warring nation against innocents, and a facilitator in building brutal regimes and supporting brutal dictators, including Stalin Mao, Hitler, and many others. This is not an innocent nation, and it never has been. In fact, the U.S. has been at war in one form or another, all through aggression, for at least 93% of its entire history. The American government will always claim the high ground, but that high ground is just because the U.S. is on top of the killing pyramid, looking down on the rest of the world. The saying that the victor writes the history rings true, and the U.S. has certainly been able to hide much of its atrocities due to this strategy.
In other words, the United States government is no better than any other government; at least it has not been for a very long time. Many will blame the deaths of so many innocents mostly on Communism, and of course the idea of Communism is horrendous, but like any governmental system, it requires that the people accept it voluntarily. Throughout history, most every political system has been based on master and slave, king and subjects, ruling class and proletariat. If the people wanted a freer system, they could have it, but the common man of today is little different than in the past, as most continually look toward a ‘leader’ instead of looking to self.
Anatomy of the State
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(as of 05:45 UTC - Details)
But with this fraudulent virus ‘pandemic,’ the real U.S. government is being exposed for what it truly is, and now is unclothed so that all can see the truth should they desire to do so. America has gotten away with the lie that it is different, that it is better, and that it is innocent in the horrors of man, but that is all coming to a screeching halt, as the ruling class eugenicists and the political elites in government are showing their true colors, and are aggressively seeking total control over all of humanity. If they succeed in this effort, more will die in this country and worldwide than ever before, and genocide, democide, and mass murder by non-obvious means will occur. Due to the government response to this fake virus hoax, there will be financial ruin, sickness, famine, poverty, vaccination poison, and suicide; all caused by the state, but the state will not take blame for this carnage. No, this will be blamed on a virus, and on society as a whole for not complying with every draconian measure mandated by the despicable state. Since this ordeal began earlier this year, the elderly have been targeted for death, and in many cases purposely left to die in isolation. As this global reset continues however, it will not just be the old that are dying; death will consume all ages, as life will be relegated to one of survival instead of joy.
The state cares nothing about you, your family, your children or your neighbors; it cares only about using you to sustain its power and control. Once the people allow total control to be achieved by the ruling class, there will be little need for the common man except to serve his master the state. A change of this magnitude will leave in the entire global population under the thumb of the few, and worldwide technocratic Communism will have been established. Is this our destiny?
“If there is a country that has committed unspeakable atrocities in the world, it is the United States of America.”
~ Nelson Mandela (2012). “Notes to the Future: Words of Wisdom”, p.152, Simon and Schuster