I became aware of Aaron Maté because I follow Professor Stephen F. Cohen and had viewed on YouTube his interview with the Professor for The Real News Network. I have only recently become aware of his abilities as a writer, from contributions to The Nation and other platforms. He now has left The Real News Network to join The Grayzone (via this link), where he recently conducted on their YouTube channel two excellent interviews with Professor Cohen. What strikes me is that in all his work, he challenges the reigning political orthodoxy, or perhaps less kindly but more accurately described as propaganda, and for those interested in seeking out this work, they will find valuable insights and in-depth analyses, most recently in his published work challenging the Mueller Report conclusions. He has appeared on Tucker Carlson’s program briefly, which is in the video below, entitled, “Aaron Maté destroys Mueller’s narrative. Russia does not equal Russian Government.”
(I find it unfortunate that Fox News on its channels never posted this extremely important interview to YouTube):
Note that he tells Tucker of the generally not at all disclosed fact by the Legacy Media that the claims the Mueller Report makes about Russian interference aren’t substantiated by the report itself. Aaron states, “In fact, a DC judge has agreed with that assessment rebuking Mueller for asserting that IRA, the Russian troll farm, was part of what Mueller calls a sweeping Russian interference campaign when Mueller never shows that this troll farm, which put out juvenile click-bait that nobody saw and wasn’t even about the election—Mueller never shows that that click-bait troll factory was a part of the Russian government and Mueller was rebuked by this judge for suggesting otherwise…there’s also the fact that Robert Mueller never interviewed Julian Assange, which is very strange…Mueller had no interest in speaking to him and that’s a very curious decision.”
For these observations and more, I think this interview with Tucker Carlson is extremely important and should not be forgotten.
I am writing this piece to draw attention to his video interviews with Professor Cohen, and also most recently and most importantly, his appearance on RT’s Going Underground program.
The first part of his interview with Prof. Cohen was posted on July 23, 2019 on his Pushback program for the Grayzone, before Mueller’s appearance before Congress. Entitled “Mueller mania worsens US-Russia conflict,” it can be viewed below or on YouTube:
Highlights of the points made by Professor Cohen is that the conspiracy theory of Russia attacking American democracy never happened: “There was no Russian attack on America, there was no digital Pearl Harbor. But this has now become a thing, and a thing in the new Cold War relationship between Russia and the United States…this thing has become bigger than Trump, bigger than Mueller, it has become geopolitical and it’s very bad.”
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Equally important is Professor Cohen’s remarks about Aaron’s work: “Let’s be realistic about the extraordinarily dangerous times in which we live. You, Aaron Maté, have done as much, arguably more, than anyone, in the pages of The Nation and elsewhere, to dismantle this false Russiagate narrative. But it lives on. It’s like The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance. Remember that? ‘Print the legend.’ The legend of the Russian attack is a permanent feature of American politics.”
Professor Cohen says that Russiagate, as shown in the treatment of Trump in his meeting with Putin in Helsinki last year, something perfectly ordinary prior to the New Cold War, resulted in Trump’s demonization as a traitor. Professor Cohen notes, “He did nothing in Helsinki with Putin that every president since Eisenhower has done with a Soviet or Russian leader: hold a summit…And yet he came home and was accused of treason. If the president of the United States is not permitted to negotiate down or away the dangers of the New Cold War, we are in a place we’ve never been since the beginning of the atomic era.” As Professor Cohen points out, not just politicians but newspapers such as The New York Times and Washington Post persist with reckless statements promoting Russiagate, although people like Aaron Maté have “dismantled this entire fiction of this collusion and this conspiracy. So I don’t know what we do now.”
The second video unfortunately reveals Professor Cohen’s growing pessimism that Russiagate will ever end. It is entitled “Mueller time is over, Russia-hate is here to stay,” and can be viewed here:
Maté in his introduction stated, “And the Russia panic never stops. Just one day after Mueller’s hearing, the Senate Intelligence Committee released a new report claiming that Russia targeted the voting systems of all fifty U.S. states in 2016. The evidence of Russia’s alleged role here was redacted, along with most of the reports contents. But it does acknowledge there was no evidence that any votes were changed.”
Professor Cohen gives his response. “To see and hear this discourse in the mainstream of our politics…I don’t think, so far as I can remember, that there’s ever been anything like this in my lifetime…”
Professor Cohen continues, “I read in the papers and hear on TV that Russiagate will end soon; no, it will not. It will not end for a very, very, very long time, partly because of the magnitude of the allegations, and partly, based on solicitations I get on my computer every day, many Democrats intend to run on fighting Trump-Putin in Washington…”
In response to Aaron’s point that in the hearing, Mueller either declined or deflected answering questions over two hundred times, and noting that Attorney General’s William Barr’s review will provide the “real answers,” to which Professor Cohen replied, “I am not confident that Barr will answer the questions he has asked…He has said he wanted to discover the predicate into the counterintelligence investigation into Trump. That is, in plain non-lawyerly language, he wants to know how Russiagate began….One theory, which I think is more than a theory because the evidence is there…is that this was begun by intelligence services—the American intelligence services, and possibly their allies in England and elsewhere…and that means looking at the role of John Brennan and James Clapper [who were Obama’s intelligence chiefs]…
“If [Barr] becomes partisan, and turns into a political war against the Obama administration it won’t do us any good. But my feeling is that the only way we’ll be able to overcome this cancerous malignancy that spread through our political system that we call Russiagate is to learn how it began. Because it was fraudulent. It was driven by malign motives…”
Professor Cohen makes an important observation: since Barr is a Republican, any determination he reaches will be challenged on partisan grounds. But if there were a bi-partisan commission like the Church Committee, which might not only get to the truth of the beginnings of Russiagate, but might also result in an answer that might be widely accepted.
Most importantly, Professor Cohen raises the question, “What motive would Vladimir Putin have for ‘attacking democracy’?” He continues, “Putin’s mission—historical and self-professed—is to rebuild Russia. To do that, and he said this repeatedly and he’s acted on it, he needs the markets and the economic relations with Western democracies, that he pursued with great vigor…Why would he, needing the West as an economic partner, and as a stable economic partner, would attack the very countries he needs to rebuild Russia. Someone is going to have to explain that to me.”
During the interview, the two discuss the front-page New York Times article on alleged U.S. cyberwarfare against Russia and the unlikelihood that no matter the implicit dangers in continuing the new Cold War against Russia, no political candidate would campaign for better relations with Russia; Aaron notes the current attacks on Tulsi Gabbard, the only Democrat candidate who has echoed Trump’s campaign rhetoric. Both interviews should be viewed by anyone seeking intelligent conversation on a critical topic facing not only America, but in its implications for war, the whole world.
In addition to discussing Russiagate, Maté was interviewed on Going Underground and the below excerpt discusses the impact of sanctions (at the three minute mark). “This is the savage mentality of Washington that tries to destroy any country that is defiant…And it’s striking…for all the talk we hear about a resistance to Donald Trump, the response among Democrats in the U.S. is either this silence or even support. So some of the biggest so-called ‘resistance’ figures—Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Adam Schiff—all of them have actually supported the Trump administration’s efforts to impose its will on Venezuela through murderous sanctions.”
The excerpt is here:
In the full interview, which is a little over thirteen minutes in length, and is titled “Aaron Maté: US Ready for WAR with Iran to Get Regime Change!” he also discusses Russiagate and much more, from a perspective that is not available from Legacy Media, and that is one of sympathy and understanding towards other peoples, other nations, and a moral critique of the actions of Washington in its quest for global dominance using force.
In his powerful essay recently posted to LewRockwell.com, Evil Killing by the U.S. Relies on Willful Indifference, Gary D. Barnett writes:
Indifference is a most vile trait of human existence, but indifference toward the mass starvation, torture, and murder of innocents for political purposes may be the worst of all.
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Indifference is the opposite of love, it is the opposite of good, and it is the opposite of anything of value. It is worse than hate. Apathy in the face of depravity has become common among many around the world, but especially so in this make-believe land of the free called America. This attitude of emptiness breeds despair, but it is important to remember that the evildoers among us can only succeed in their efforts of madness so long as those watching remain silent and do nothing…
Today, much more is known about the intent of the political class and its elitist controllers, but it seems as if there is much more apathy today than at anytime in the past. How can this be? How can a more informed citizenry continue to hide their heads in the sand, and worship the nation state apparatus and its agents of force in the military? This is a travesty, and exposes the success achieved by the elites to brainwash the public into supporting any kind of butchery and mass murder under the guise that they are protecting the nation from non-existent monsters from afar. Societal weakness at this level deserves no respect or admiration whatsoever. It deserves only contempt.
Aaron Maté is the polar opposite of those Americans who suffer from indifference; he is a heroic voice, one of those men of great intellect, compassion, and conscience who brings truth to those willing to seek it, who has the power to open eyes and change hearts and minds, for no matter how Quixotic that quest appears in such a pervading atmosphere of indifference, Aaron Maté’s courage is more important than ever.
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