The recent decision, last week, by a typically corrupt judge, to dismiss the first lawsuit filed by slandered Kentucky teen Nicholas Sandman, hammered home again just how absolutely corrupt America 2.0 has become. The idea that any judge could look at the nature of the biased, inflammatory, and inaccurate coverage of the teen’s actions and character by the Washington Post, and then basically give it a stamp of approval, should stun any of the few remaining civil libertarians out there.
The Post, like all the mainstream media, totally distorted and mischaracterized the encounter between a group of Catholic school kids on a field trip, and a Native American “elder.” They cast the white teens in the clear role of “bad guys,” with Nicholas Sandman, in particular, portrayed as an aggressive, disrespectful and entitled example of “white privilege.” And they, again like everyone in our state-controlled press, totally ignored the real instigators of the incident; a group of loud, profane, and wildly racist Black Hebrews.
I keep in contact with Sandman’s attorney Todd McMurtry, and he told me in an email a few days ago that, while disappointed, he remains hopeful that they will prevail in lawsuits against other huge mainstream outlets, and perhaps some of the hateful celebrities who smeared the young teenager on social media and on television. I said at the time, and continue to believe, that these lawsuits hold the potential to be a real Lexington and Concord moment, in terms of fighting the systemic tyranny that has all but destroyed this country. Hidden History: An Exp... Best Price: $9.86 Buy New $14.70 (as of 04:30 UTC - Details)
At nearly the same moment, another corrupt judge (are there any other kind?) ruled that the Democratic National Committee basically had a perfect right to rig their primaries in 2016. I don’t expect the one who got screwed by the DNC in that process, Bernie Sanders, to complain. He has never uttered a peep of protest about the outright theft of the party nomination from him, in order to benefit the Queen of Corruption, Hillary Clinton. Sanders is so deluded he now publicly chants the “Russia! Russia! Russia!” line. Sorry, Bernie, it wasn’t “Russia” who robbed you.
I’ve nearly finished my book on show business, tentatively titled On Borrowed Fame. My next project, it’s becoming clear, must be an expose of our monstrous injustice system. The disparities in sentencing alone mimic the disparity of wealth that I wrote about in Survival of the Richest. Throw in unbridled, unlawful cops who have shown no hesitancy in planting evidence to frame the innocent, ambitious, unprincipled prosecutors, and unknowledgeable, often stupid jurors, and you have our brutal, ugly adversarial system of “justice” in all its glory.
The courts have ruled that ignorance of the law is no defense. For a common citizen, that is. If you’re a police officer, whose job it would seem is to be an expert on the laws they enforce, it is perfectly okay to be ignorant about them. The same courts have ruled that our draconian asset forfeiture laws are not only legal, but parties totally unconnected to the suspected (not proven) violations of law can have their property confiscated, too. And remember, if you somehow run into an honest judge, or an empathetic jury, and are exonerated, you could still fight for years to get it back. Utah passed a law in 2017 that required property be returned to those who were found not guilty of the charges that resulted in the forfeiture. But Utah is just one state. A man in Minnesota, for example, was acquitted of burglary charges, but still had to forfeit his car.
No politician, in either party, is talking about the maddening inconsistency of our courts, or the unconstitutional overreaching of power by judges at all levels. How many talk about the onerous asset forfeiture laws, which have become an essential part of our disastrous policing for profit system? It was refreshing to see Tulsi Gabbard confront the putrid Kamala Harris for her own authoritarian record as California’s Attorney General during last night’s Democratic Party debates. For her efforts, Gabbard is being depicted by many sheeple today as a tool of Russia.
From my own personal experiences over the past year, in trying to find justice over the most unfair job termination imaginable, I understand now more than ever that our courts are not the answer. We cannot seek a redress of our grievances there. And eighty percent or so of Americans have quite a lengthy list of grievances. This list make Thomas Jefferson’s “long train of abuses and usurpations” look like child’s play in comparison. The tyranny present-day Americans face, every day, from government and big business, would cause our Founders to call for the most enthusiastic Boston Tea Party the world has ever seen.
So if the courts aren’t the answer, what is? The electoral process? Every election, American voters return some 96% of the worst criminals in this country, to office. Very few of them have “represented” their constituents even occasionally during their lucrative careers of “public service.” I recounted the yeoman efforts of the late Collier brothers in Hidden History. Their work on voting fraud, detailed in their book Votescam, proved beyond any doubt that our votes aren’t being counted. And if they are, that would actually be worse; it would mean that our fellow citizens, with a vote just as significant as any of ours, actually believe that the Nancy Pelosis, the Mitch McConnells, the Chucky Schumers, etc. are worthy of reelection.
Clearly, then, the ballot box isn’t the answer, either. When you are returning your awful “representatives” back to office at an average rate higher than the Politburo at the height of the Soviet Union, you aren’t going to change anything. Whether it was Emma Goldman or Mark Twain, the sentiment is appropriate; if voting made any difference, it would be illegal. We aren’t going to vote ourselves out of this. Crimes and Cover-ups i... Best Price: $17.17 Buy New $17.19 (as of 06:20 UTC - Details)
A second actual revolution is also bound to fail. The most powerful military force in the history of the world would be the enemy, not some naive and proper British redcoats. Don’t for a minute think the military would side with the people. Individual members, certainly. But the ones controlling the bombs, the missiles, and the tanks would all be die hard members of the Deep State. Police forces would be aligned against the people, too. The kind of mindless thugs who brutalize the public, and seem to intimidate their more reasonable peers as much as they do the citizens who pay their salaries, are not likely to sign up for anything opposing tyranny.
But the biggest obstacle here is the apathy of the public. Most people have been frightened into conformity. The campaigns to even get people to not buy gasoline on a particular day have all been failures. The average American is so docile, so submissive to his corrupt and incompetent leaders, that he is unwilling to even make what is essentially an anonymous, risk-free attempt at protest. One cannot envision these folks ever donning yellow jackets, or effectively standing up to even the most egregious abuses of power.
All we can do, ultimately, is set the best example possible in our daily lives. To “send forth tiny ripples of hope,” in the words of Robert F. Kennedy. To awaken one slumbering American at a time, to the giant elephants and naked emperors roaming all over this crumbling country.
Reprinted with the author’s permission.