Step By Step: How To Make Your Own Colloidal Silver

Throughout the history of alternative medicine, few remedies have had the staying power of colloidal silver. No matter how much the medical establishment tries to ignore and ridicule it, somehow its practice has never been forgotten. And for every person who claims it is harmful snake oil, there is another who has been using it for years without any ill effects.

That’s because, despite what the media will tell you, colloidal silver isn’t as dangerous as you might think. There are only a handful of people who have been afflicted with the famous “blue man” disease known as Argyria. Typically these are caused by silver chloride or silver proteins, though the media tends to lump them all together with colloidal silver. In other cases the afflicted was taking extremely large doses over many years.

[amazon asin=B00GZ8E7IM&template=*lrc ad (left)]Whatever the case may be, it is possible to make your own colloidal silver, and do so cheaply and safely. As antibiotics begin to breed superbugs, and viral outbreaks continue to make headlines, more and more people are looking towards alternative remedies like colloidal silver. Since Ebola has reached American shores, and with no real cure in sight, the attention towards colloidal silver has been making a comeback

This of course means that a lot of people will be making their own colloidal silver (CS) machines, because most of the devices you can buy online don’t come cheap. Which is unfortunate, because the materials required to make your own CS machine aren’t that expensive.[amazon asin=B000BSZBHS&template=*lrc ad (right)]

Below is an example of a pretty simple method of making your own CS without breaking the bank. It should look pretty familiar to those of you who’ve been making their own CS for a long time, but with some slight changes. It involves connecting two pieces of silver to a battery source, and setting them rest in a container of water. As the electricity tries to run between the pieces, particles of silver will be shed from the source, and will be suspended in the water. Viola! Colloidal Silver.

Of course, it’s a little more complicated than that, especially if you want to do this safely. I prefer this method because it’s so cheap and [amazon asin=B007I2GQA6&template=*lrc ad (left)]so widely known. If it were harmful, there would be a lot more cases of Argyria. Since I can count with my fingers how many people have gotten sick from silver, I trust this method over the rest. So without further ado, let me show you how to make your own colloidal silver.

First thing’s first though, you’re going to need to gather your materials

Power Source

You’ll need 3-4 9 volt batteries. If you only plan on using only small amounts of CS, then the cheaper disposable batteries will last you[amazon asin=B000GFJJJC&template=*lrc ad (right)] a long time. If however, you plan on administering CS to your family on a regular basis, or perhaps you’re going to be using it for housecleaning (it is after all, antibacterial), then you might want to invest in some lithium batteries and a charger.


The simplest way to connect your batteries to the silver, is by connecting them to alligator clips. In this particular design, you’ll need three pairs of clips. Unfortunately it’s pretty hard to find alligator clips that aren’t sold in bulk, so you’ll probably have to buy a set of [amazon asin=B00D18TTXW&template=*lrc ad (left)]10. Fortunately, even in bulk they’re pretty cheap.


There’s a wide variety of opinions on what you should use as your source of silver. What is agreed upon, is that you should have two separate pieces, that contain a minimum of 99.9% silver or .999. Silver plated or sterling silver will not do. These materials contain other elements like copper or nickel (which is toxic).

Most CS machines take silver wire. You’ll have to shop around and avoid most of the jewelry grade wire, which is usually just sterling [amazon asin=B0006OU0AU&template=*lrc ad (right)]silver. A lot of people buy 99.99% for CS as opposed to just 99.9%. It’s probably safer, but it’s also a lot more expensive. I personally wouldn’t mind the extra cost since this material will last you a long time, but it’s often way overpriced when it comes from certain CS vendors. Fortunately there are some cheaper listings out there.

Some people don’t trust the quality of silver wire though, since a lot of it is made in China. I can’t say I blame them. Those folks usually prefer to buy 1 ounce silver bullionbars (typically .999, which should be sufficiently safe). They’re cheaper, easier to trace back to their country of origin, and are more rigorously regulated than jewelry wire. You can trust that you’ll get what you pay for.

[amazon asin=B0038Q4JH8&template=*lrc ad (left)]Distilled Water

It’s vitally important that you use only the cleanest sources of water. There should be almost no particulate matter of any kind in your water. You can usually find relatively cheap distilled water at any grocery store. Although, if you don’t trust store bought water you can make your own. Some of you may already have a Berkey water filter, which should be more than sufficient. Most CS websites also recommend distilling the water by boiling it and collecting the steam. You can either buy a water distiller, or you can go the DIY route.

Current Regulator Diode[amazon asin=B005S28ZES&template=*lrc ad (right)]

This is where this design will differ from most DIY colloidal silver machines. You’re going to need a way to regulate the current that is running between the two pieces of silver. When the silver first goes into the water, there will be very little current, because distilled water isn’t very conductive. Silver however, is the most conductive element on the periodic table. So as those particles separate from your silver wire, the water will become more conductive.

It’s widely believed among CS enthusiasts, that as the current grows, it begins to strip larger and larger pieces of silver. This is bad. Those larger particles aren’t as effective at eliminating bacteria and viruses, and they’re more likely to accumulate in your body over time. This means you run the risk of getting Argyria.

A current regulator diode should rectify this problem. It’ll keep the current from increasing beyond a certain point, so your CS machine will continue to produce high quality silver ions. You’ll want a diode that keeps the current at around 1 milliamp, though if it goes slightly over or under it shouldn’t be a big deal.

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