It’s no question we live in a harsh world, but in the aftermath of a disaster, the American Dream can quickly become a living nightmare. Not only are we dealing with protecting our food sources, downed power lines and home damage, but we also have to be aware of the criminal aspects that disasters bring on. Looters, raiders and home invasions tend to be at the forefront of post disaster issues due to those who are either taking advantage of overwhelmed emergency responders or are unable to meet their basic needs.
[amazon asin=B00007E7LN&template=*lrc ad (left)]I need to emphasize that this type of safeguarding would typically be done in a sudden, widespread, disaster, where a majority of the population would be caught off-guard thus instantly causing them to be ill-equipped to provide for their immediate needs. In a matter of days if supply trucks cannot gain access to the city, the unprepared will stop at nothing to get what they need in order to survive – and that could be breaking into you home.
To prepare for this, we need to go beyond the vague preparedness suggestions from government backed disaster organizations and prepare to safeguard and defend our homes from unwanted guests.
The Plan
The best approach to keeping these criminals away from your home is to make the house look difficult to vandalize. Further, create obstacles to make it next to impossible for the vandals to gain access. This will either frustrate them to the point of abandoning their break in plans or slow them down so that you can persuade them (with the sound of your firearm).
Further, I suggest that you have a way to protect yourself. Educate yourself on the best type of firearms to have and know how to use [amazon asin=B00890KLNY&template=*lrc ad (right)]them. “If you can’t protect it, you don’t own it” describes the mentality the unprepared have about you and your preps. I’m not saying it’s fair that people could steal from you, but it’s a reality, and a concern you should not take lightly. The fact is that crime seems to escalate in the aftermath of a disaster; despite the current disinformation circulating about how in no uncertain terms that the hunger, chaos, and unrest never happened.
Minimize the threat of a home break in or home invasion by adding layers of security (before a disaster is imminent) in order to prevent your home from being a possible hit. Security layers are preventative measures put into place that will advertise to possible intruders to avoid your home altogether. Once these security layers are put into place, follow the suggestions below to zombie-proof your home.
This thread was found at and the suggestions could come in handy if you are planning for Golden Hoards or looters after a widespread disaster.
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