George Zimmerman’s Parents Speak Out About Living in Fear of Being Killed

In an exclusive interview with ABC News, the parents of George Zimmerman sat down with Barbara Walters speaking out for the first time since their son was found not guilty of killing Trayvon Martin.

Robert and Gladys Zimmerman have been living from hotel to hotel, refusing to use phones in fear that they are tapped. Not having spoken to their son George since his acquittal, the Zimmerman’s are unaware of George’s whereabouts. ‘If I was him, I would (stay in hiding),’ Robert Zimmerman told Walters.

A multi-racial family themselves, the Zimmerman’s are at a loss of words when trying to combat charges of racism, stating that George is absolutely not a racist.

‘This is America, and we went through all of this with the judicial system,’ Gladys Zimmerman said. ‘They wanted an arrest for my son. They got an arrest. Now lets, you know, find a verdict … now they have a verdict. He went through the whole process they were pushing for, and now they are not happy with the verdict, and I pray. I pray for them, for God to touch their heart.’

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