Trend forecaster Gerald Celente, writing in the Spring Trends Journal, was virtually alone in his assessment of an Israeli/United States military strike against Iran’s nuclear facilities as an act of folly that would have catastrophic consequences.
Now, weeks after his warning which noted the irrationality of Prime Minister Netanyahu and Defense Minister Barak’s determination to strike Iran his conclusions are being echoed by some of Israel’s most prominent public figures:
Bombing Iran is "the stupidest thing I have ever heard. Anyone attacking Iran needs to understand that it could start a regional war which will include missile fire from Iran and Hezbollah in Lebanon." ~ Former Mossad director Meir Dagan
"They [the Netanyahu administration] talk too much, they talk too loud. They are creating an atmosphere and a momentum that may go out of their control. There is no reason at this time to initiate an Israeli military strike." ~ Former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert
Iranian leadership is composed of "very rational people" who will not decide to build nuclear weapons. ~ General Benny Gantz, current Israeli Army Chief of Staff
"I don’t believe in a leadership that makes decisions based on messianic feelings . . . one of the results of an Israeli attack on Iran could be a dramatic acceleration of the Iranian nuclear program." ~ Yuval Diskin, former chief of the Shin Bet, Israel’s internal security agency
Despite the public misgivings of these current and former highly placed Israeli authorities who call into question the judgment, honesty, and even the sanity of Israeli leaders the United States and its leaders remain united in their unwavering and unquestioning support.
Celente contends that should the US join Israel in an attack on Iranian nuclear facilities, not only will it find itself embroiled in yet another losing war, but this time it will be a war without borders World War III.
Moreover, he asks, "In light of the accusations and threats made by American leaders who ardently insist that "all options are on the table" regarding bombing Iran, why are there no highly placed American authorities castigating America’s war hawks for being messianic, stupid and deranged?"
Trends in the Making?
Can these ominous warnings by prominent Israelis lead to a shift in Israeli policy? If so, would it mitigate America’s otherwise unconditional support for Israel? Can anything impede the march to war with Iran, or is war inevitable? What role will the US Presidential elections play in this critical unfolding scenario?
Remember, for over three decades Celente and The Trends Journal have been ahead of the news and on top of the trends well before anyone else.
Gerald Celente is founder and director of The Trends Research Institute, author of Trends 2000 and Trend Tracking (Warner Books), and publisher of The Trends Journal. He has been forecasting trends since 1980, and recently called The Collapse of '09.