Are you a fast reader? A new website application aims to put your speed to the test.
Stationery supplier Staples has created a timed test which gives you a page to read, followed by a few questions.
The aim is to see how fast you can read and how you compare to the national average.
Once you have found your grade, the program will tell you how well you compare to others, from high school students to college professors, or to the speed reading record a staggering 4,700 words a minute.
How quick are you? The Staples speed test gives you a sample page of text and then asks you questions
The average speed for adults is 300 words a minute, which means an average reader could rattle through War and Peace which has about 560,000 words in its English translation in about 11,866 minutes.
How we read has changed over the years, with experts in particular noting how the internet is changing how we read materials.