A Reminder to New Voters and Those Formerly Apathetic on Behalf of Ron Paul


It’s already December 2007 – do you know where your polling place is? Do you live in an open-primary state?

Good intentions can get stymied when simple details are neglected. If you’ve recently been cured of your apathy by Ron Paul or are a new voter, don’t forget the obvious: register to vote now.

Closed primary states require you to register with a party before you can vote in its state primary election. Does yours? If you live in a closed primary state, you must be registered as a Republican by the deadline for your state to vote for Ron Paul in your upcoming state primary election.

All the money and good work expended thus far by many others won’t be effective in this election if you don’t jump through some state-mandated hoops now in the holiday season when it’s easy to get distracted by family concerns.

This link is an excellent place to start. Deadlines for some states are already passed.

Register, or change your registration to Republican to vote for Ron Paul in your state Republican primary. Do it for your family’s future.

December 26, 2007