Temperament, Communication, and the Ron Paul Revolution


Bliss was it in that dawn to be alive, But to be young was very heaven! ~ William Wordsworth

Watching the mainstream media pundits interview Ron Paul can be amusing as well as frustrating. Most of these pompous twits appear unable to understand the nature of the uprising occurring under their noses. They are amazed at the growing army of activists making so many good things happen without central direction from the Paul campaign staffers. It reminds me of the tag line from the film Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid where Butch and Sundance are pursued relentlessly by the Pinkerton railroad detectives: "Who are these guys?" For the political professionals, it's just too puzzling. Their existing paradigm cannot account for a real, spontaneous grassroots revolution against the old political establishment. It spooks them.

It's a good question. Who are these guys? Many commentators, including some Ron Paul supporters, focus on the young computer specialists, those lovable "geeks" and "nerds" who allegedly live their lives hunched over computers in their mom's basement. The anti-Paulists accuse them of spamming or hacking internet polls so that Paul scores high when "everybody knows" he has only minimal support. (Not true, of course, on either count.)

The Ron Paul revolution does attract the young, brainy types. In that way it is reminiscent of the early stages of the post-World War II libertarian movement and the early Libertarian Party. But, very fortunately, there are many more who are not much like the geeks and nerds so familiar in libertarian circles. That's a good thing. Existing Ron Paul supporters must continue to attract people of all types to the revolution. Fortunately, Ron himself is already doing a good job of that. As he frequently and humbly points out, it is not because of Ron Paul the messenger, it's the message of liberty, small government, no IRS, the rule of law, sound money, and peace.

In order to make the liberty message appealing to various kinds of people it helps to know something about how people actually differ and what different kinds of messages might appeal to them. For starters, there are four basic kinds of people. Remarkable, but true. There are four basic patterns of personality organization ("temperaments") and each of us fits most comfortably within one of them. I covered this ground in a previous article, but it will help to repeat the basics here. Beginning with Hippocrates in ancient Greece, scientists and philosophers interested in human nature (e.g., Plato, Aristotle, Paracelsus) have observed and commented on the four kinds of people, right up to the present day. In the late 20th Century, the theory was thoroughly developed by psychologist David Keirsey, who uses the term "temperament," to describe the phenomenon. I will summarize that briefly.


There are observable differences in the ways people learn, communicate, lead, interact, choose careers, solve problems, perform their work, relate within the family, etc. These differences fall into four recognizable patterns.

In the Keirsey model the four temperaments are named: Guardians, Artisans, Rationals and Idealists. Each temperament has its unique basic needs or motivations, values, special intelligence, talents and skills, elements of conduct and style of communicating. Although each of us is a unique individual, we each tend to be most comfortable operating according to one of the four temperament patterns. It feels "natural" to us. Consequently, we develop the strengths associated with our temperament and to have the weaknesses and blind spots associated with that temperament.

Is our temperament, our personality, set by heredity or by environment? The fundamentals are innate. Our basic needs, values and preferences are inborn (but don’t seem to be dictated by parental genes). It is a matter of inclination or preference in certain directions. Environment affects how we develop, of course, but we are happiest and most effective when we have the greatest freedom and encouragement to develop in the directions called for by our innate needs and preferences.

A simple metaphor for understanding Temperament is to think of being right handed and having three left hands. From infancy you preferred using your right hand and through practice became quite skilled at using it. That’s your temperament, with all the strengths, talents and skills in that pattern. The other three temperament patterns are like left hands. You can become more skilled with your left hand if you practice with it. Similarly, you can work to change your behavior to be more like someone who is of a different temperament; but, it will be difficult and you will never be as comfortable or effective in that adopted role as you are in your natural temperament role. Here's a brief look at each of the four temperaments. After we familiarize ourselves with them, we will make some educated guesses about how best to appeal to them with the Ron Paul message of liberty.

The Guardians

Guardians need to be responsible, to know their obligations and do their duty. They also need to "belong," to be part of organizations and groups, like the family, church, volunteer groups, corporations and government. Guardians value order, security, stability and tradition. They truly are “pillars of the community.”

Each temperament has a unique type of intelligence. For the Guardians, it is logistics. Guardians excel at reliably getting the right stuff to the right place, at the right time, to the right people, in the right quantity and quality. They handle all relevant details and have a place for everything with everything in its place. Any office manager, administrator or bureaucrat is probably a Guardian.

In communicating, Guardian language is factual, down-to-earth, and linear. They rely on comparisons and measurements to make their point.

Organized, reliable, punctual and helpful, Guardians work hard and follow the rules. They expect others to do the same. Guardians want well-organized lives and that things be planned in advance. (I think of them as "the organization temperament.) They don’t like change for the sake of change, nor irresponsible risk-taking.

Guardians tend to seek work in civil service, teaching and school administration, accounting, banking, insurance, medicine and business. They help people to be comfortable, secure and orderly. Some famous Guardians are George Washington and other former Presidents Harry Truman, Jimmy Carter, Gerald Ford and Richard Nixon. Many corporate executives and managers are Guardians, as are most government regulators.

Guardians constitute 50 per cent of the population. By sheer weight of numbers, their views tend to dominate the setting of cultural standards and law, particularly in a conservative direction. They stick with the tried and true, seeking stability and security.

The Artisans

Artisans need to be free to act (Don't fence me in.) and to make an impact (Look at me; see what I did.). They value spontaneity, variety, excitement, virtuosity and beauty. Boredom, routine, or burdensome rules and regulations frustrate them. Artisans are uncomfortable in structured environments, such as the public schools and corporate situations (which Guardians dominate). Unfortunately, many brilliant Artisans drop out of both.

The Artisan's special intelligence is tactical. Tuned in to their environment, they perceive what’s happening, who is doing what with whom. They see opportunity, what needs to be done in the here and now, and move quickly to capitalize. Artisans like to act on impulse and it usually works for them. If they don’t succeed, they optimistically pick themselves up and get on to the next adventure.

Artisan language is colorful, full of anecdotes, questions and slang terms.

Artisans are the premier tool users. “Tools” can be machinery, heavy equipment, musical instruments, art supplies, athletic equipment, weapons, aircraft, surgical instruments, computers, language, or even other people. The great performer, actors, musicians, comics, the sculptor, painter, designer, landscape architect, chef, trial lawyer or orthopedic surgeon is likely an Artisan. In business, he or she is the entrepreneur, the crisis manager, the top negotiator.

Many notable politicians, such as Andrew Jackson, Bill Clinton, Ronald Reagan, JFK and FDR, were Artisans. In the military, it’s the battlefield genius, such as George Patton. The writer Ernest Hemingway was an Artisan. Virtuosos all. Artisans do it with flair, style and audacity. No wonder they are so popular.

Artisans make up about 40 per cent of the population.

The Rationals

Rationals need to be competent and to accumulate knowledge. They value science, theories, efficiency, ingenuity, logic and expertise. Rationals are ingenious and innovative, searching for the underlying systems and structures that explain events. They analyze everything and operate scientifically, applying principles to the facts to arrive at objective conclusions.

Rationals have a special strategic intelligence. They excel at identifying the material, manpower and methods needed to achieve ultimate objectives. They build the model or design the system that will lead to success. The Rational mind works best with concepts, theories and abstract principles.

Rational language tends to the scholarly, full of qualifications, often employing conditionals (if-then statements), and demanding clear definitions.

Rationals prize precise, clear thinking and precise language. They do not like to repeat themselves. They are independent thinkers, unimpressed by so-called established authority. Pragmatic and skeptical, they nonetheless can be persuaded by logic and evidence. Rationals tend to present a calm exterior, though their feelings run strong and deep.

Rationals are drawn to careers or projects that challenge the mind. They typically enter the sciences, including computer science, engineering, mathematics, physics, economics and philosophy. In business, Rationals are often found at the executive level where strategic thinking is highly valued. Albert Einstein is the classic example of a Rational. Other famous Rationals are presidents Jefferson, Lincoln and Eisenhower, author/philosopher Ayn Rand, and Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

Rationals are about five percent of the population. People of other Temperaments tend to miss the point of Rational arguments. What may be important to Rationals appears not to be to them.

The Idealists

Idealists have a profound need to find meaning and significance in their lives. They highly value relationships. They seek empathic relationships where they can grow while nurturing others. Idealists are compassionate, imaginative and appreciate the uniqueness of, and potential in, each individual. They believe people should be authentic, showing their true selves.

The special intelligence of Idealists is diplomatic. They excel at bringing people together, helping them see the best in each other. They have unusual powers of insight or intuition and a talent for communication.

Idealist language is dramatic, and they tend to employ metaphors and universals in their communication.

Idealists value morality and ethical conduct and will speak out when their standards are violated. They have a vision of the ideal and believe that, by expecting the best from everyone, the world can make progress toward their vision. Idealists find discord and violence stressful. Accordingly, they work for consensus and avoid confrontation. Idealists are passionate, romantic and sometimes openly emotional.

Idealists are attracted to careers that involve communicating, teaching, counseling, mediation, psychology, the social sciences, guidance, mentoring, writing and journalism. In business, they are frequently found in Human Resources. Some famous Idealists are Mahatma Gandhi, Eleanor Roosevelt and Martin Luther King. There has never been an Idealist President.

Idealists make up about five percent of the population. Despite their relatively small number, Idealist views tend to be quite influential because so many journalists, writers and academics, those in the social sciences, are Idealists.

Take a minute to reflect on the descriptions above and make your best educated guess as to your own temperament and the temperament of other people you know. I have tested this informally at libertarian gatherings. You should not be surprised to learn that easily more than half of the libertarians are Rationals. That's still considerably different than when I first started making such inquiries about twenty years ago. Then the Rationals were about ninety per cent of the known (to me) libertarian population.

Temperament and Communication

Every individual is most comfortable communicating in the style of his own temperament. Indeed, it is difficult for anyone to adjust his communication style so that it does not come out in the manner typical of his temperament. Similarly, each of us is most comfortable receiving communications in our own temperament style. If what we receive fits our own style, we are more likely to respond positively to the messenger. "Birds of a feather flock together" because people are most comfortable with others who share their values, their way of thinking about the world, how it works and how it should work. This mutual recognition of shared temperament, which is usually subconscious, is an obstacle to broad appeal. The lesson for Rationals, who are only five percent of the population, is that even if they get all the Rationals on board the Ron Paul bandwagon, it would still be a relatively small crowd, with plenty of room remaining. Our message of liberty must be as diverse as the potential audiences. We must learn how to appeal to all four temperaments.

Fortunately, this is already happening, to some extent. From my observations, it appears that all four temperaments are already active in the Ron Paul revolution. Let's look at each of them in turn and consider how we might consciously reach out to people of each temperament in language that appeals to them.

The Guardians. Ron Paul is a Guardian; at least that is my best reading based on his background (family man, military flight surgeon, a physician who has delivered 4,000 babies, etc.); his character that emphasizes responsibility, honesty, the rule of law; and his consistent commitment over the years to traditional (Old Right) conservatism, best exemplified by his strict adherence to the Constitution. It also is reflected in his language and communication style: straightforward, factual, to the point. This is terrific. Ron may play down his role as "only the messenger," but he is more than that. Most people are attracted to him. (People tend to like others of the same temperament; so it helps that Guardians make up 50% of the population.) It is impossible not to respect him. His message, though it differs radically from that of the traditional anti-constitutional bozos in the race, is more acceptable because this man is delivering it. He, without dissimulation, comes across as an honest, wise, learned father figure who has your best interests in heart and in mind. There is no way anyone could think he would mislead them. For the Guardians out there, Ron Paul is a powerful message just because of who he is and how he presents himself.

How do the rest of us best appeal to the Guardians? The strongest appeal to anyone is to show how our "product" supports his or her needs and values. Guardians need to be responsible and to belong, and they also value order, law, security, stability and tradition. It should be apparent that Ron's record of adherence to the Constitution and his assurance that a Paul administration would continue to do so tells Guardians that the government must and will obey the law. That message invokes the values of order, law, and stability. The anti-war, non-interventionist foreign policy will improve security for Americans while saving trillions of dollars. (Guardians value frugality.) It also places the responsibility for peace in foreign countries on the people living in them. It is in line with American tradition, as expressed by the founding fathers. We can also point out the irresponsibility of government for the past century. Government gets larger and larger, costs more and more, fails to do the jobs assigned to it, and has made a chaotic mess of the monetary system and the marketplace. Democrats and Republicans are equally at fault, equally irresponsible. The federal government's imperial designs are also completely irresponsible, costing hundreds of billions in resources and destroying millions of lives in a series of unconstitutional wars. A Paul presidency will provide monetary and financial stability and will create conditions conducive to secure family life, without interference in personal affairs and free of threats of military adventurism or conscription. (Harry Truman was a popular Guardian president, famous for the sign on his desk that read: "The Buck Stops Here." This reflects a classic Guardian trait, taking responsibility. I believe that aspect of his temperament contributed greatly to his popularity.)

Consider a few slogans that might push Guardian buttons. Make Government Obey the Law. Vote for Responsibility. Security Through Peace. Liberty is Our Tradition. Stop The Chaos. 1776/2008. Save My Family. With a little brainstorming, you could no doubt come up with many more.

The Artisans. These action-oriented, thrill-seeking folks (about 40% of the population) are often at odds with the Guardians. They love to be free, able to do what they want and go where they want, acting on impulse. Rules and regulations (and regulators) drive them nuts. (But, being seekers of adventure and action, many wind up in the military, looking for adventure.) The message of freedom central to the Paul campaign is immediately appealing to the Artisans. We can already see Artisan supporters in many of the pro-Paul videos, especially the music videos, and from entertainers (e.g., strippers, rappers) and athletes who support Ron. It's a good bet that many of the people attending rallies and demonstrations are Artisans. That's where the action is, and they like action. It's also a way for them to make an impact with their action. For Artisans, the best part of the message is liberty, freedom from government snooping and control, ending the Drug War, being able to do your own thing free from the nanny state. Lowering taxes is a great way to increase liberty. The more of your money you get to keep, the more neat stuff you can do. Lower Taxes = More Fun!

My advice to activists in the campaign is to create opportunities for Artisans to take action, enlisting them in brainstorming, planning and joining in a variety of activities. The existing meet-up groups are an obvious starting place. Parties are good; just ask an Artisan. Have a party, invite prospects, crank up the volume and have a good time. Remember December 16: ParTea! ParTea!

Each of the temperaments deals with stress and adversity its own way. For Artisans, the typical response is to retaliate. Mess with an Artisan, you might have a fight on your hands – blowback. Which reminds me of Jesse Ventura's (Jesse is an Artisan) Minnesota gubernatorial campaign in 1998. That campaign made news with all the newly active young people who came out to join Jesse's campaign and vote, winning him the election. Although I doubt his campaign managers knew about Temperament, they came up with the perfect slogan: Retaliate in '98. Young Artisans, rebellious toward government's intrusive meddling, rules and regulations, found that slogan irresistible. So, how about Retaliate in 2008 (or '08)? Couldn't hurt. Take it a little further and craft messages around the concept of retaliation. The politicians have been pushing you around far too long! Don't take it any more! Sock it to 'em! Stand up and fight! Take it to the streets! Retaliate! (We might as well have some fun harassing the anusocracy.)

The Rationals. Only five percent of the population, these intellectual knowledge seekers typically find the libertarian philosophy attractive. (Not always. Abraham Lincoln was a Rational, as is Hillary Clinton.) Rationals value personal autonomy. They don't like to be told what to think or what to do. They want to figure things out themselves. Because they also value logic and critical thinking, their desire for autonomy will probably lead them ultimately to sound conclusions about the proper relationship between the individual and the State. But, Rationals tend to prefer reading, thinking, writing and talking about political ideas, rather than following through with action such as down-and-dirty street-level campaigning. In this regard, they differ greatly from the Artisans, although both are natural freedom lovers.

Rationals appreciate expertise. They enjoy engaging with people who know what they are talking about and what they are doing. So, Ron Paul and other libertarians, who have the knowledge to explain esoteric matters such as the Fed's inflationary policies and their fallout, will get their attention and support. Rationals tend to be long-range thinkers. They are open to discussion and analysis of economic issues. As such, they can see the longer term economic effects of inflation, the bankrupt social security system and the ultimate bankruptcy of the U.S. government. They are naturally eager to apply their formidable brains to such issues and share their thoughts. That makes them a valuable resource in that they are capable of spreading the message articulately in internet and other forums. If others in the campaign will encourage them and help find outlets for them to promulgate the ideas central to Ron's campaign, a lot of good can be done.

Rationals care little for tradition and established ways, which differs substantially from the Guardian value set. However, we all like people who are like us. The significant founding fathers were Rationals, e.g., Jefferson, Madison, Franklin. The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution are the product of Rational minds. It should not be too difficult to demonstrate to young Rationals today that the natural rights ideas expressed in the Declaration are still sound for today and forever. Similarly, it should be easy for them to see that those brilliant Rationals of the 18th Century developed an elegant blueprint for limited government. So, the pitch to Rationals is not one based on respect for tradition, rather it must appeal to their respect for the intelligence and command of political philosophy of the founders. Challenge them to learn (they love accumulating knowledge) about the revolutionary background of the Declaration and the Constitution. Those who accept the challenge are quite likely to begin spreading the word.

Rationals, especially the younger ones, tend to like science fiction films. One to think about is the highly popular The Matrix, which had a clear and powerful individual versus the controlling and duplicitous authority theme. Recall that the protagonist was called Neo, an anagram for The "One." Do you think campaign posters reading "Ron Paul. He's The One" might reach out and touch some of these youngsters? Might be worth a try. Or even more head-on: "Smash The Matrix." They'll get the reference.

The Idealists. Like the Rationals, these intellectuals make up only about five percent of the population. But, they are a different type of intellectual. It is not science or logic that moves them. Rather, they envision an ideal world and want others to join them in making it come true. Usually their ideal world includes government welfare programs and other such feel-good projects. Hence the cliché, "good intentions trump actual outcomes." Idealists tend to be emotional rather than analytical and they abhor confrontation and violence. Although small in overall numbers, they are overrepresented in the social sciences and in language and writing pursuits. A great many journalists are Idealists, which helps explain the leftward tilt of most media. Anyone who willingly describes himself or herself as a "bleeding heart liberal" is probably an Idealist. Even so, many Idealists are committed libertarians.

Because of the value they place on human welfare and their opposition to violent confrontation, Idealists tend to be anti-war, quite emotionally so. This is a great opportunity for Ron Paul and other anti-war libertarians (that should be a redundancy) to promote Ron's candidacy to the Idealists out there. An obstacle will be the typical Idealist's emotional attachment to the Democrats, or, more accurately, their hatred for the Republican Party establishment. The best anti-war pitch to them will be one that emphasizes love for humanity (remember the 4,000 babies Dr. Paul delivered) and is personalized, showing the effects of war on individuals. Dr. Ron Paul, as President, will be committed to ending the violence of war so that every man, woman and child can live in peace and flourish as the unique individuals they are.

Idealists highly value self-actualization; they want every person, especially children, to have maximum opportunity to discover the authentic self within and develop to the fullest potential. Liberty, and only liberty, creates environments in which that can happen, for everyone, not just some preferred or established groups. If we can help Idealists see that government crushes and stultifies the best within us, and that liberty encourages self-actualization, they should embrace a champion of liberty like Dr. Paul. This will be a challenge for logical, tough-talking Rationals, Guardians and Artisans, but we can all learn how to communicate in Idealist language. We already have a good example in those banners with the word "rEVOLution." This pairs the touchy-feely, peaceful, Idealist word "love," with "revolution," a much scarier concept. That's brilliant cognitive dissonance. It works because it is telling the Idealists that although we are in a revolution, its motivating center is love; and only good can come from that.


One of the great things about the internet, as Gary North recently pointed out, is that it makes communication almost costless. It only costs one the time to write and broadcast his message and the recipient(s) the time to click on it and read it. So, if LRC readers find anything of value in the foregoing, it costs them almost nothing to absorb it, act on it, and rebroadcast it in the format of their choosing to a multitude of audiences. All, or any part will do. Take what you think will be useful in your efforts to bring others into the revolution and adapt and use it as you think best.

There is no one, true path to liberty. The Ron Paul campaign, the internet, and the millions of people involved in both prove it every day. The old, political establishment is under siege. The power-mad goons are surrounded by heroic lovers of freedom whose numbers will continue to increase exponentially. I'm glad I have lived long enough to see it.

November 19, 2007