Charged With Racism

Most politicians and indeed, most people in America would rather be charged with pedophilia than racism. The former we are told, is merely a life style choice and at worst, should be dealt with by a stern chat with a counselor. A charge of racism can produce a life long stigma and must be addressed early on with abject apologies to the offended race while deploring the cruel fate of having been born white.

I have myself been accused of racism for fighting against black African Communist insurgents. I've been described as a racist because of my objections to having my country overrun by out of control migrants, and for of my support for all things Confederate. As most Americans have conveniently forgotten, the Confederacy became a target of the cultural Marxists sometime back in the nineties, just after the First Gulf War – the last war where American troops marched under the St. Andrews cross. I decided not to change my beliefs simply because others thought I should – since it's obvious that Robert E. Lee was twice the man that Martin Luther King was I consider my choice a wise one.

Remaking history is a specialty of government and the bottom feeders of the civil rights movements. We shouldn't be too hard on them – second raters have to eat too, and the number of available causes is limited. So they create the cause d'jour and if it happens to be you in their sights, oh well.

That's why I enjoy being a thumb sticking down the throats of these gas bags. There are some of us who can deal with being vilified and laugh at our tormenters. We answer only to God and believe our rights come from Him – just as those "dead white males" did – you know the ones – they are being expunged from our public schools now in the name of political correctness. Good Southern men like George Washington and Thomas Jefferson were bad guys according to the new socialist doctrine and we must forget that the freedom we have to make such ignorant statements was vouchsafed to us by these men who put their very lives on the line. Being a racist doesn't seem so bad somehow when you find yourself in such good company.

In today's political climate, being charged with racism is the equivalent of being accused of having personal integrity!

When you are free inside; free enough to truly not care what the masters of the media and government would have you think, a whole new world opens up. It is a world full of opportunity for learning and for choosing role models who are ladies and gentlemen rather than crass, vulgar hogs like the ones who parade across the TV screens shouting for "justice" when what they really mean is "submission." "Two and two make five, if we say it does." Not in my house sonny.

Usually, I'm called racist in a general sort of way – after all I'm white man living in the South – the top minds in politics and academe will tell you that such a one is inherently racist and sorely in need of repentance. Funny how repentance and reparations go hand in hand – let me get this right – I must love people who abuse me, and to be truly forgiven for the sins I have not actually committed, I must give them money. How very convenient.

Once such person recently attacked me personally, using a finely honed intellect to cut through my protestations of innocence and put me on the spot – declaring that I was essentially a phony and must confront the truth about my alleged racism. Racial reconciliation he noted was just around the corner if I could only come to grips with my own prejudice! I had no idea I was that important!

My initial reaction was rather like that of Bruce Willis in the hilarious "Last Man Standing," a take off on the Clint Eastwood spaghetti westerns set in the gangster era of the thirties. A man runs up to him with a dire warning, noting that both of the criminal gangs that are fighting to control the town are out to get him. Willis is not concerned but comments dryly, "I thought everybody liked me…"

So did I but I was wrong. Unlike Willis I decided to handle it with pen rather than sword.

Here is a condensation of the charges against me, and my responses. I refused to don a hair shirt simple because I'd offended a black person – which after all is perhaps the only act that can still be called "immoral" in this world where immorality is the fashion. As always, I reply to one as I would to all.

Him: I don't buy that you can be a Confederate and yet not be a racist.

Me: I don't care if you do or if you don't. I'm a free man and a busy one – I can't spend too much time justifying myself to others or I'll never get any work done. But I'll tell you that I haven't spent one second of my life caring if black people like me – or anyone else for that matter! It makes me wonder why you care so much that I like you! And why you insist that that I like not just you personally, but all of your ethnicity. Who is dumb enough, other than perhaps Bill Clinton, to claim to like an entire race of people most of whom he hasn't met? And does it really matter? To some apparently, it matters enough to throw our system of constitutional law in the toilet. Are black people better off as a result? I'd bet the seventy percent of inner city kids born out of wedlock since black Americans embraced government as god might think otherwise. But then, thinking is not a big deal for them – the government schools have seen to that.

To me it is not about race, it's about being a man. I can get along with other men whoever they may be, but I can't stomach whiners and I don't feel any obligation to raise someone else's children. All I offer any man, black or white, is peace and good manners. I will not harm you but I will not tolerate any effort on your part to harm me.

Him: I'm a black man, and I have read the Constitution of the Confederate States front to back. Ninety percent of it is plagiarism from the U.S. Constitution, with the several exceptions that legalize and perpetuate slavery outright.

Me: Plagiarism? How so? Southerners wrote much of the original. Did they steal from themselves? And note that pretending the War Between the States was about slavery is disingenuous and has been refuted so often that I'll not dwell on it here.

Slavery has been with humankind almost since the beginning. In the Confederacy men like Jeff Davis and Bobby Lee had to deal with the likes of Bob Toombs who swore he'd call the roll of his slaves from the steps of the US capital. Davis and Lee, like myself, put the cause of their own family's freedom ahead of that of your family. And unless you are some kind of saint – you'd do exactly the same thing. I'll add that Bob Toombs was no worse of a troublemaker and villain than the "black" Republicans up North who felt that the South should be put to the ravages of fire and sword. At least Toombs wasn't in violation of the law.

There was a time when I withheld my tithe from a church I was attending because I was struggling to get my stepdaughter into college and I found out they were giving of my tithe to the United Negro College Fund. I found that outrageous. I still do. I'd be a damn hypocrite to pretend otherwise. Before you condemn me for that perhaps you could tell me how much money you've contributed to helping poor white college students?

If the Christian religion is true, and I believe it is – then any black person who finds himself in what used to be Christian America should be praising God rather than complaining. The opportunities for spiritual (and economic) well being exceed anything found in Africa then or now. Better a slave enjoying eternal life than a couple years headhunting in the jungle and then eternal death. That is a cold thing to say but it is time that someone spoke the truth.

Christianity has been called the "white man's religion." Without it, black men would still be slaves. I'm not talking about the Yankee aggressors with their violent fit of madness that they unleashed against the Southern states. No, I'm talking about the mindset of men like John Wesley and Stonewall Jackson who each in his own way were part of a philosophical revolution that has pretty much buried slavery – except in Africa and the Middle East.

Would my Celtic ancestors be better off if they were still painting themselves blue and fighting savagely, tribe to tribe? I doubt it – but again, Christianity intervened and I'm glad it happened. Sometimes it requires a little tough love on God's part to squeeze the hardheads into the kingdom.

All religion aside – I don't see any black people packing up and moving to Africa – must be something about this culture that keeps them from leaving eh? I'll give you a hint – the black ruled countries in Africa are collapsing in violence and anarchy – yet despite the best efforts of Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and other race pimps, that has not happened here so far – so you are safe at least for the time being.

Him: Read that [Confederate] Constitution at your convenience, and you will realize that most blacks are not as ignorant as you believe. Your waving that confederate flag says that you stand for what the Confederate Constitution promotes, just like people and institutions that wave the American flag stand for the U.S. Constitution.

Me: I have read the Confederate Constitution and prefer it because it prohibits the importation of slaves. It also makes an attempt to tie down government a little better than the original – since secession would not have been necessary if the US Constitution had been enforced or indeed, enforceable. The Soviet Union had a fine constitution based somewhat on ours. How free were the people there? A piece of paper won't save you. Freedom after all comes from within and requires a daily commitment. I need no constitution to be free and it's just as well because neither of the constitutions you mention is in effect under these small men who purport to serve us now. We live under the heel of despotic usurpers, and you and your socialist buddies have been cheering them on – so why would I believe that the US Constitution means anything to you.

Do you think I say what I please, own a firearm or worship my God in my way because some document says I can? Self-defense, freedom of speech, and all the rest, were correctly defined as "inalienable rights." These rights cannot be "given" to me by any government although most governments eventually get around to trying to suppress them.

I'm frankly disgusted by that black and green flag I see black people sporting but I never say an unkind word to them about it because it is not my business. I leave you alone and I expect you to leave me alone. The Stars and Bars mean a lot to me and I'm sorry if it offends you, but I'm not living my life for you – nor do I expect you to live yours for me. So live with my Confederate flag and I'll live with yours – but don't expect me to roll over because my flag offends you.

Him: As for your dislike for public school, please realize that 90% of the "private" schools in the south popped up after integration. They were built for no other reason than to keep away from blacks, period. So your disdain for public education is simply a disdain for blacks.

Me: Actually, you are quite right in one respect. In America, where there are a lot of blacks, there is a lot of violence. Many whites are fooled since the blacks they know are quite intelligent and decent, they therefore assume that all blacks are that way. I on the other hand have worked the ghettos in Los Angeles and know what I've seen. I was, years ago, a security manager for a truck line and regularly studied crime stats from the FBI and other agencies. I know what I read. You my friend can walk through my neighborhood without fear. Can I do the same in a black neighborhood? Would I send my kid to school there? Hell no. And neither would you, or I miss my guess.

As to private schools arising after integration that is rather a moot point isn't it? First, blacks are segregating themselves as fast as they can so integration is a dead concept. Second, before the War of Northern Aggression there were almost no public schools at all in the South – and the ones that existed were very much of the local variety. Home schooling and tutoring was what produced the fine and literate leaders who almost lead the South to freedom. It's the parent's duty to see to a child's education – get government into it and you wind up with the despicable farce we see here in America today.

Public schools no longer teach the ways of the founders, the ways of Christ Jesus or even the truth. Black men with wings who built the pyramids? Hmmmm…. I have to laugh bitterly at blacks who support public schools where abortion and evolution are taught. Guess which race profits the least from those two devilish philosophies! Margaret Sanger and Charles Darwin were very much in favor of getting rid of blacks altogether. The private church school were my wife teaches would not dream of propagating that filth. And surprise – there are several black children in her classes along with various other "minorities" and we manage to get by without any of that foolishness that goes on in public schools. With the bonus that these kids can actually read!

Him: I could go on and on, but if you and your ilk would just admit to some of these things, then racial reconciliation is just around the corner. Why is it that repentance and confession are good in a religious context, but people like you just refuse to face reality and admit to your deeply-held prejudices?

Me: My "ilk?" So without knowing me you assume that I am part of a group you don't like and assume to be bad. That sounds like prejudice to me. I myself have no prejudice against blacks because prejudice is dislike for no logical reason. I dislike many blacks because they want my money, act like idiots and commit most of the violent crime. The black people I like are those who carry their weight, treat me with respect and keep their hands out of my wallet. I do no harm to anyone but I do not tolerate being pushed around or treated like a fool or weakling. Perhaps you should look into the qualifications required to be a senior NCO in an African Rifle Company, which I was. You might ask how was I able to get along with my Black African counterparts when they knew darn well I was a Rebel – that was my nickname so there was no attempt at subtlety on my part. I even turned those guys on to Leonard Skynard (and won their undying gratitude)! They also knew that I would fight to the death before I left one of them to die because we were comrades.

Racial reconciliation? Who needs it? I can't reconcile myself to a race – men can only reconcile themselves to individuals.

So no liberal clichés for me, sir. I face reality every day as I earn a living solving real world problems. I have addressed the issue at some length in my writing and tried to explain it but I have also noted that I'm an unapologetic Rebel and proud of it. Since you seem literate, and not too buried in NAACP (tan klan) propaganda, the possibility exists that we'd get along. But if not, I don't care – I can barely please my wife for whom I do care!

In short, I'm prepared to live in harmony with anyone who will meet me half way. But when I hear that mouth full of "gimmee" start up, I feel nothing but contempt. Is that racism? I don't think so but neither do I care if someone else does think so because the cultural mores (or what passes for them) in this country have become contemptible and I pay them no mind.

There is an alternative to following the mass. Try freedom. It's a lot of work but worth it and freedom carries the additional bonus that you will never waste another moment of your life worrying about I think about you. You concentrate, as I do, on trying to do your best and enjoying yourself when you can. Then every mirror you pass is your friend, because it reflects the real you – not the person someone else expects you to be.

March 19, 2002