Two Hundred Eleven Thousand Casualties

Last night’s television special about the remarkable recovery of newsman Bob Woodruff from wounds received while reporting from Iraq revealed a statistic that few in our Neoconocracy have heard: There are now 211,000 wounded veterans as a result of the Neocon War for National Greatness in the Middle East. Woodruff suffered horrific head injuries, as have thousands of young American soldiers, when an “IED” exploded under the tank he was riding in.

Also revealed were rare scenes from the veterans hospital where Woodruff was treated, which was overflowing with limbless and brain dead victims. All dupes in an unnecessary war. Think about that the next time you see a picture of Dub-Yuh “jogging” for the cameras with one of these pathetic young invalids. They are needlessly maimed for life because of him, and he literally adds insult to injury by using them as political props to send the message that they are still happy as can be and supportive of everything he does.


7:31 pm on February 28, 2007