Those Awful Afghans

Like the Vietnamese in 1965, the Afghans for some inexplicable reason don’t want to be ruled by foreign occupiers, explains a reporter relaying the Pentagon line. All that dough for the military-industrial complex was wrongly spent. See, they should have spent it bombing Afghanistan and Pakistan, and not just Iraq. Oh, and a zillion or so more is needed for state-building, so Obama and his legions can do what no one from Alexander to Victoria to Brezhnev to Bush could do. Why? The necessity of expanding the empire during the US-caused world depression, and murdering many more innocents, and further impoverishing Americans, is just somehow assumed. The empire was eventually defeated in Vietnam, but not before 6 million were killed. How many scalps will the generals wear on their belts this time? Say, I know how to find out. Let’s parachute them into Afghanistan. (Thanks to Kev Hall)


10:10 am on February 22, 2009