The June ‘The Free Market’ is Here

The June The Free Market is now online with new and exclusive news and articles from the Mises Institute.

This month, David Gordon reviews John Lott’s new book, At the Brink on Obama and his economics. Lott covers other topics too:

One would expect a book by John Lott to say something informative about gun control, and our author does not disappoint us. It transpires that he met President Obama when both of them served on the law school faculty of the University of Chicago. “I first met him in 1996, shortly after my research on concealed handgun laws and crime had come to national attention. I introduced myself, and he responded, ‘Oh, you are the gun guy.’ ‘Yes, I guess so,’ I answered. ‘I don’t believe that people should be able to own guns,’ Obama replied. I then suggested that it might be fun to have lunch and talk about that sometime. He simply grimaced and turned away, ending the conversation.”

Also in this issue, young economist Nicolás Cachanosky discusses being an Austrian and how the Fed distorts Latin American economies:

I don’t think it is a coincidence that the two largest economic crises in Latin America in the last 60 years occurred after the two largest periods of loose monetary policy by the Fed: at the beginning of 1980, and in 2009, after the subprime crisis.

As usual, The Free Market also includes recent news about Mises Scholars, alumni, and donors. This month, among many things, we note the latest on Anthony Gregory’s new book, Mises Institute Scholars on the Ron Paul Institute’s Faculty Board, and a listing of numerous new translations of books by and about Austrians into Japanese, Russian, Portuguese and other languages, including Hoppe’s Economic Science and the Austrian Method which is now available in Chinese.

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11:02 am on June 11, 2013