The Global Warming Crowd Steps in it Again

At this writing, Katrina has been downgraded to a category 1 hurricane, and while it is a very powerful storm, it still is no Camille. (For that, we can be very thankful.)

While two of the most devastating hurricanes to hit the USA in the 20th Century were in 1935 and 1969 (long before some scientists began to blame everything on global warming), we still get the same crap from the press on global warming and hurricanes. The wind is blowing in Mississippi, but the real hot air is being released by Time Magazine, which tries to claim that this latest weather phenomenon came about by global warming.To its credit, Time does try (rather weakly) to give other points of view, but it is clear that these guys really believe that if we shut down power plants and generally place ourselves back into the Stone Age, that we can do away with bad weather.


2:45 pm on August 29, 2005