Some are more equal than others

This morning, Tim Russert interviewed Huckabee and Obama and in each case the tone of the questioning was far different than when Ron Paul appeared.

With Obama, it was like a chat between old friends. With Huckabee, Russert asked a few tough questions but not harshly and allowed Huckabee time to respond. Then he threw a few softballs.

Long live Wolf Blitzer in the battle of network journalists from Buffalo.


9:35 am on December 30, 2007

Some are more equal than others

Ron Paul is the only candidate who is judged by the actions of his supporters. We know that’s because his opponents can’t debate him straight up and have moved to a different battlefield where they think they can win.

Life is unfair.

Please, be courteous and professional at all times.

Don’t shoot yourself in the foot.


10:51 am on December 3, 2007