Report From Poland

Writes Peter S. Rieth:

2015 was supposed to be – by mutual agreement between the government of Russia and the government of Poland, “Russia Year in Poland” and “Poland Year in Russia”

There were going to be concerts, theatre plays, and other cultural events of Poles in Russia and Russians in Poland.

The Polish government has today announced that it is canceling all of this because of MH17.

This is stupid. MH17 was shot down in Ukraine, not Russia, by Ukrainians, not Russians, and has nothing directly to do with Russia or Poland.

But of course- they needed a reason to keep Russian musicians, actors, and artists out of Warsaw – God forbid we might actually remind ourselves that Russians are humans!

Of course – this will not help the perception of Poles in Russia either.

bad news!


3:55 pm on July 23, 2014