Never turn your back on the family

Thanks to NY mag and the New Republic for this latest example of the similarities between the Clintons and the Sopranos:

“There are some people the Clintons consider Clinton people who have gotten behind Barack,” a longtime friend of Bill and Hillary’s explains to me. “And there will be total retribution if the opportunity presents itself.”

Total retribution? You’re joking, right?

“I’m not joking. They’re not going to audit somebody’s tax return or anything. But once you’ve been in the Clinton camp, once they think you’re part of the team, once you’ve helped them and they’ve helped you and you then go somewhere else–I just think it’s very hard to crawl back into their good graces. I’m not saying it won’t happen. But they won’t forget. They may take you back eventually, but they won’t forget.”‘

Bill and Hillary are living proff that Rothbard was right when he described the state as a gang of thieves.


8:39 pm on April 16, 2007