My Wish for Palin

While I have no doubt that Sarah Palin has energized the Republicans and might be the difference in the campaign, nonetheless I truly believe she can do much, much more for the country as governor of Alaska than as Veep. As a governor, she could keep her libertarian associations and also listen to the people who want Alaskan independence.

But, as Veep, she has to support the very centralization of government and the welfare/warfare state that is destroying our economy AND our liberties. My sense is that as governor, she would be willing to listen to our arguments, but as Veep she cannot and will not.For proof of what the Beltway culture does, I give you Howard Dean. When he was governor of Vermont, he cared about civil liberties, and he and his wife actually were real people. Yes, he spouted all of the green socialism, and Vermont has turned into a Homeowners Association on Steroids, but nonetheless he had some personal commitment to liberty.

Today, as head of the Democratic Party, he is just another welfare/warfare statist. When has he truly endorsed anything that smacks of liberty? Instead, it is “taxes on the rich,” government medical care, and the ubiquitous Nanny State in which everything, even food, is thoroughly politicized.

Just look at the demands the Democrats made in Denver, starting with Politically-Correct food and demands that there be no plastic water bottles. THAT is the New Howard Dean, the man who wants the state in your bedroom (state-sponsored sex education), your kitchen, and everywhere else in your life. I doubt that the Howard Dean of 2003 would have been that totalitarian.

If McCain-Palin win, then is that what happens to Palin? I cannot help but think it will.


10:01 am on September 4, 2008