White House Econ Chair Can’t Answer Simple Question on Monetary Policy


Jake Bernstein, President Biden’s Econ Council Chairman can’t answer a basic econ question.

Watch this 2 minute abomination, Here.

Please note his quote:

“Is that what they do?”

This is scary!!!!!!!

Bernstein should – at minimum – read my short book you can download Here for Free, Secrets About Money That Put You At Risk.

I wrote that book for High School aged students in 2010 and was honored to have Ron Paul give it his endorsement and arrange to have it sent to each Member of Congress at that time.

Of course, as we all know, it’s most likely they never read it.

This is why it’s up to each and every one of us to educate ourselves and those we care about. 


7:17 pm on May 7, 2024