Who Wants Marijuana To Remain Illegal?

Police unions, private prison corporations, alcohol and beer companies, pharmaceutical companies, and prison guard unions are said to be in the top five in terms of lobbying and paying lawmakers to keep marijuana illegal. Hey, this is DEMOCRACY at work. This is the best system on earth, right? This is the system the U.S. government tells us it wants for Libya, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc.

If some foreign government through its politics forbids women from walking around without burkas on, that is a sign of its tyranny, U.S. officials tell us. The U.S. Department of State wrote in this respect about “the Taliban war on Afghanistan’s women…” and its “oppressive regime”. But if the existing U.S. system forbids someone from using marijuana or some other drug, this is not infringing rights and it’s not oppressive.

These contradictions, these poses, these false rationales, these hypocrisies arise again and again, permeating the entire society, for a simple reason. The government is not based on any consistent basis of justice and rights. These two-faced statements are proof that government has no foundation in rights, never has had such a foundation, and wasn’t established with such a foundation. The Bill of Rights was a compromise and an afterthought grafted onto a document (the Constitution) whose purpose was entirely that of setting up a control and command structure that did not, would not and could not tolerate a basic right like that of secession, because that would shatter the government whose aim that document was to establish.

There are no moral-sounding statements made by the current occupant of the White House that can be assumed to be or are correlated with the actual moral sentiments of that occupant, simply because he leads an institution that has no consistent basis or relation to justice and rights. When he orders a drone strike that kills civilians, he demonstrates this fact. You or I could not do this without being brought up for murder. But in this hallowed democracy, our vote makes this legal. This simple fact shows that democracy has no basis in justice and rights. It is typically used for the purpose of suppressing the rights of any minority on the losing side of any issue that is voted upon.

This includes users of those drugs that have been made illegal.


12:35 pm on September 26, 2013