10 Superfoods You Can Add to Your Coffee

Each day a person gets about three opportunities to up their nutrition in order to sustain them for that day and carry them through to the next.

Some of us, for various reasons, cannot overhaul our food lifestyles overnight. Sometimes the availability of funds and wholesome foods just isn’t there. Supplements are expensive and it’s frustrating to have to take things after striving to get nutrition from food (that comes from seriously depleted soil).

[amazon asin=B004K7O1BS&template=*lrc ad (left)]That’s why I’m a big fan of doctoring your foods to the highest and most flavorful potency. Make food into both medicine and supplements by simply working them into your routine recipes. By doing so, you don’t have to remember to take anything or choke down pills. You also don’t bypass any digestive channels. You can feel better from the start of your day. Chances are, you have some of these ingredients hiding in your cabinet!

Without further ado – here are 10 superfoods you can add to your morning brew.

1. Grassfed butter  – There is a vast nutritional difference between butter from grassfed or pastured cows versus conventional store bought butter. Mainly, the Omega 3 to Omega 6 ratio, very important when fighting inflammation. Not only is grassfed butter better in[amazon asin=B00DS842HS&template=*lrc ad (right)] terms of a nutritional brain food (plus it’s from non-GMO fed cows), but it mixes better. Kerrygold unsalted butter is available in many stores – ask yours to stock it for you. Follow this recipe and blend. I choose not to use it as a meal replacement but for when I really want to focus without the caffeine jitters. This coffee will give you energy and make you chill at the same time.

2. Coconut oil – If you’ve read about butter coffee, you will see people adding commercial MCT oils to it. Please skip that and go for coconut oil instead, which is close to the whole product. This is another fatty brain food that is also anti-microbial without hurting the good cells. Blend as you would the butter. The best coconut oils is the least processed – that would be centrifuge extracted, the only [amazon asin=B000WS1KHM&template=*lrc ad (left)]kind I use for consumption. I even confused the Whole Foods employees by asking about it. Get energy, better nutrition absorption, pain relief, weight loss and more. The benefits are astounding.

3. Cardamom – Is a familiar friend if you’ve ever had the pleasure of imbibing Turkish coffee (recipe). Cardamom is the secret ingredient. This blessed spice is bursting with electrolytes, contains vitamin C, iron, fiber and other medicinal properties. It is amazing for all things digestive and is said to fight depression and cancer. If you have a hard time getting an appetite, take heart – cardamom will get it started. Plus the smell and taste are heavenly – you might not be able to go back to regular after adding cardamom. You will want to use the powdered spice. If you happen to have an essential oil then you also have a great breath freshener. But, if you want to use the oil in coffee, you will need to dip just the point of a toothpick into the oil bottle and stir the pick into the pot. Yes, that is the amount for the entire pot – it is a very potent oil!

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