Walter Block: Anarchic Courts and More!

By Luis Rivera III

Here Dr. Walter Block, host Daniel Rothchild and other guests go over a number of topics including:

-Courts in an anarchic society and how applied moral philosophies such as deontology and utilitarianism can help with libertarian hypothetical constructs.

-Punitive settlements which are non-monetary such a installing fear to your perpetrator.

-The differences in battles that legitimate courts would face

-The intrinsic free market hindrances against bandit courts and the intrinsic incentives for legitimate courts.

“The ruling class in America or any country is about…2 percent of the people yet they bamboozle 98 of percent of the people. If 98 percent of the people got together they could knockout the rulers. But what the rulers do is suborn the intellectuals and the intellectuals say…‘divine right of kings, divine right of democracy – These guys are great and we all have to follow them.’ -Walter Block

Walter Block: Anarchic Courts and More!


10:39 am on October 16, 2014