Should We Boycott

Let me state my personal interest right away: Amazon commissions from your purchases keep LRC afloat. But I would not be for boycotting Barnes & Noble either, if a similar situation arose. As we know, Senator Joe Evilman threatened Amazon with destruction–and he is a very powerful henchman–if the company continued to offer server space to WikiLeaks. Amazon complied, and the company had no other choice. It is public firm; the managers may not risk the stockholders’ money in this way. Indeed, Amazon is a victim of US fascism, not a willing enabler.

Back in my days in the conservative movement, I was always urged to boycott goods from communist countries. I never did. I don’t like boycotts. Commerce is a blessing. We need more of it. I will continue to buy from Amazon because I like the service and the prices. It is an amazing and beneficial enterprise in these Depression days. It is a social as well as an economic benefit. We must not let the regime set us to fighting among ourselves. To the extent we can, we must Boycott the State. That is the earthly enemy of mankind.

UPDATE from Michael Keeney:

All I can say is “Amen!” My wife and I love Amazon, love the “Prime” program, love the lower prices, and love NOT paying sales taxes.

UPDATE from Chris Maloney:

“Let me state my personal interest right away: Amazon commissions from your purchases keep LRC afloat.” That was the first thing that popped into my head, actually. Plus, I still have Christmas shopping to do.

UPDATE from Eric Dycus:

The Kindle and are a lovely combination that wouldn’t be possible without Amazon. Imagine having Man, Economy, and State and Human Action both on the same, compact, and legible device; it’s a fairy tale.


10:53 am on December 2, 2010