On Genuine Power

We had a 5.1 earthquake in the LA area last night. In the nearly 37 years we have lived out here, earthquakes have generally been more exciting than destructive. Each tremor is a reminder of how much genuine power resides in plate tectonics, compared with what the make-believe wizards in Washington, Sacramento, and city halls believe they possess.  Earthquakes – which are usually centered miles deep within the earth’s crust – create and move mountain ranges. So powerful are they that the European Alps were created by the lower levels of pre-existing land masses were folded over atop the younger.

The statists who pride themselves on the illusions of power that are created in their own minds, should be put to the test. As they embark on their plans to extend their make-believe capacities to the control of climates as well as the rest of the solar system, let them now act to prevent earthquakes; let them enact legislation prohibiting plate tectonics, and establish administrative agencies to regulate and prescribe rules by which the earth conducts itself!

The statists remind me of the story of the fly sitting atop the mast of a ship going down a river. As a bridge is raised to let the ship pass beneath it, the fly imagines it is all done in his honor and under his direction.


10:28 am on March 29, 2014