An Ominous Week

Writes Jay Stephenson:

It’s been a very strange and disturbing week.  Along with Sunday’s shooting and the murder of the MP today, the media have turned up their vitriol against nationalists, traditional conservatives, Christians, and gun owners beyond anything I’ve ever seen.  And the entire media now resemble the Huffington Post in its Trump coverage.  It’s as if there’s been some type of sinister plan in the works that’s just started to take effect this week.  I’m not sure what’s going on, but whatever it is, it isn’t good.  Cling to your guns and religion.

Writes Jack Kewick:

Hey Lew,

For what’s it worth, I share Jay’s impression regarding this past “ominous” week. I have all but lost my faith in my fellow Americans (politically speaking), yet I had no doubt that after the terrorist attack in Orlando last weekend, Donaldus Maximus (Trump) would receive a considerable bump.

Statistically, though, there is no evidence that that’s occurred (or is there?). At any rate, I think that the Dems in the government-media complex suspected this as well. Thus, they’ve been working over-time to run cover for the Hildebeast and Obama while simultaneously looking to blame the NRA, the GOP, Christianity, conservatives, etc. Had the killer driven a truck into that nightclub, or if he detonated a bomb, this would be so much worse for them politically, In the meantime, they MUST make this about “gun-control.”
