More people are against masks than for them

Writes Jessica Healey:


Last week, the school district for which I work was scheduled to have a board meeting. At some point in August, a fellow teacher mentioned that there would be members of the public speaking to the board in order to request mask mandates. I quickly made my request to speak. I was under the assumption that I would be one of the only people, if not the only person, speaking out against forced facial coverings: not because I thought I was the only person against them, but because I am often willing to engage in what could be potentially controversial conversation. As it turned out, there were nine total speeches delivered by members of the public, with over half of those being people speaking out AGAINST masks.

Now, the individuals who wanted mask mandates made some great points. They mentioned how they had been members of the community for many years, how they had contributed to the extracurricular activities in the district and thus deserved to be heard, and of course how unsafe they felt. Sadly, they received no applause. The audience may have thought they were listening to Joe Biden himself, with all the dynamic personality, the heavy-lidded intrigue, and the well spoken opinions that were stumbling about in support of tyranny.

Fortunately, us “anti-maskers” came armed with statistics, factual information, peer reviewed studies, and even personal experience. I was able to point out that local hospitals have told me they aren’t full, and that a well known children’s hospital nearby had directed me to the marketing department when I called to ask about their Covid cases. I told them about my daughter, who had headaches all last year that subsided within 30 minutes to an hour of mask removal. I told them about the study

In Germany where the parents of nearly 26,000 children were polled about mask wearing, and massive numbers reported headaches and fatigue and anxiety and overall feelings of malaise. Another teacher spoke powerful words to the board about the scientifically studied power of a smile and the need to teach our kids to think for themselves. A student stood to tell the board about the survey she sent out, in which over three quarters of the high school students who answered adamantly opposed mandatory masks. Fortunately, after these anti-mask speeches, the audience came alive. It was great to hear the applause and cheers and murmers of “amen” and see the head nods as the community members agreed with those of us who prefer freedom (and fresh air). Maybe the audience could just hear us better, since we had no muzzles on to muffle our voices.

We have no mask mandate at my school. The board didn’t even vote on it the other day. I personally feel that the wisest thing for them to do would be to quietly forget that the issue even arose, and to never even mention it again. After all, the World Health Organization has already said that the plandemic will be over in March 2022. I’m trying to figure out if that somehow correlates to the fact that CDC has said that PCR tests should not be used after December 31st. I’m sure that the two declarations by these massively profitable organizations have nothing to do with one another. The government would never play a smoke and mirrors game like that, would it?!?

Keep up your good work, Sir, and keep spreading truth and inspiring thought.


