
Writes Robert Gregory:

I remember reading 10 books a week from my local library – my mom would go shopping and leave me to read in the library and then take home 10 books – maximum they would let me – and so on each week. 

At elementary school, I often spent much of the day looking out the windows because that was much more interesting than whatever was taking place with the teachers. 

Your words spell the tragedy visited on kids daily – so sad and so unnecessary, but that is where the USA seems to be given the social structures and economic – political system available.

Kahn Academy, the Internet, and tutors offer a lot that could quickly compete with the existing educational programs – but – the offices and factories, and the prisons, need their allotment of clients to keep the current “professional” occupants busy and employed.  I personally like the creative state school my grandchildren attend here in Queensland – some bright glimmers shine through even in the face of adversity. 

Opportunities for rapid and thorough going change are many, but the “dead hands of the past” and the institutional arrangements negate much of that. 

Thanks for the article.

